Do foreign contributions to India impact national Security FCRA Report 2007-2008

4.Top 15 recipients States - Foreign Contributions 2002 to 2008 (Rs crs)

State 2007-8 2006-07 2005-06 2004-5 2003-4 2002-03
1.Tamil Nadu 1671 2118 1609 1191 800 775
2. Delhi 1716 2183 1556 1075 857 881
3. Andhra Pradesh 1167 1211 1012 914 684 630
4. Maharashtra 885 1195 664 552 481 505
5. Karnataka 890 1077 621 512 529 489
6. Kerala 801 884 656 509 423 409
7. Jharkand 128 - 97 77 67 58
8. West Bengal 541 515 355 340 291 272
9. Gujarat 378 391 301 238 192 272
10. UP 202 192 103 95 92 NA
11. Orissa 177 216 129 102 93 NA
12. MP 138 139 77 85 80 NA
13. Bihar 134 131 101 79 67 NA
14. Rajasthan 122 127 - - - NA
15. Himachal P 120 - 83 73 76 NA
16. Assam - 163 - - - NA
17. Punjab - - 82 58 51 NA
18. Others 593 794 432 357 322 756
Total 9,663 11,336 7,878 6,257 5,105 5,047

Amongst the states, the largest recipients of contributions were Delhi Rs 1,716 crs, Tamil Nadu Rs 1,671 crs, Andhra Pradesh Rs 1,167 crs, Karnataka Rs 890 crs, Maharashtra Rs 885crs, Kerala Rs 801 crs, West Bengal Rs 541 crs, Gujarat Rs 378 crs and Orissa Rs 177 crs.

From the above it is clear that most of the reported inflows are concentrated in the four southern states, Delhi and Maharashtra.

If you were to compare receipts for a few states between 2003-04 and 2007-08 the magnitude of increase could surprise you. Receipts for Tamil Nadu were Rs 800 crs in 2003-04 grew by 108% in 2007-08. Corresponding numbers for Delhi are Rs 857 crs, grew by 100%, Andhra Pradesh Rs 684 crs grew by 70%, Karnataka Rs 529 crs grew by 68%, Kerala Rs 423 crs grew by 89% and Orissa Rs 93 crs grew by 90%.

5.Top Recipient Districts of Foreign Contributions 2002 to 2008 (Rs crs)

2007-08 2006-07 2005-06 2004-5 2003-4 2002-03
Chennai 731 908 754 561 385 363
Mumbai 470 891 441 322 300 284
Ranchi - 654 NA NA NA NA
Bangalore 670 628 465 377 358 358
Kolkatta 352 337 236 206 NA NA
Uttara Kanada - 246 NA NA NA NA
Hyderabad/Sec 291 244 237 178 180 181
Ananthpur 278 231 288 288 209 169
Pathanmthitta 250 199 - - - -
Ahmedabad 207 230 162 126 NA NA
Tirunelveli - 230 NA NA NA NA
Madurai 187 222 193 129 NA NA
Quillon - 197 199 101 NA NA
Ernakulam 207 192 165 150 NA NA
Pune 173 NA 121 119 NA NA
Krishna 134 160 111 93 NA NA
Tiruchirapali 96 NA 94 74 NA NA
Kancheepuram 122 148 92 65 NA NA
Trivandrum - 166 91 58 NA NA
KangraDharamsala 104 NA NA NA NA NA

NA stands for not available.

Largest recipients were World Vision of India Tamil Nadu 212 crs, Rural Development Trust A.P. Rs 125 crs, Believers Church India, Kerala Rs 102 crs, Action Aid Karnataka Rs 92 crs, Caritas Delhi Rs 90 crs and Gospel for Asia Kerala Rs 86 crs.

These appear to be Secular organizations. 

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