trividham narakasyedam dwaaram naashanamaatmanah
kaamah krodhastathaa lobhastasmaadetattrayam tyajet // 16.21 //
Triple is the gate of this hell, destructive of the Self -lust, anger and greed- therefore, one should abandon these three.
etairvimuktah kaunteya tamodwaaraistribhirnarah
aacharatyaatmanah shreyas tato yaati paraam gatim // 16.22 //
A man who is liberated from these three gates to darkness, O Kaunteya, practices what is good for him and thus goes to the Supreme goal.
Sri Krishna says that an individual having repeatedly reached the Asuric environments, life after life, fails to realize the Infinite Self. They never climb higher in their culture and sink to the bottom most level in their evolution and thus complete their fall.
The Lord advises how even the one who has fallen so hopelessly can improve his spiritual evolution. He says that there are three gateways to hell viz. desire, anger and greed. These characteristics are corollary to each other. He emphasizes that these three evils must be abandoned if one wants to rise up in the ladder of spirituality.
The Lord says that the one who has abandoned these three gateways to darkness will steadily progress towards the life's goal. He will be practicing what is good for him; good in the sense that which not only brings happiness to the practitioner but also contributes much to the well being of the others around him. Progressing thus in the right direction such an individual goes to the Supreme, reaches the goal of life.
yah shaastravidhimutsrijya vartate kaamakaaratah
na sa siddhimavaapnoti na sukham na paraam gatim // 16.23 //
He, who has cast aside the ordinances of the scriptures, acts under the impulse of desire, attains neither perfection nor happiness nor the Supreme goal.
Scriptures need not mean the ritualistic ones but they mean the texts discussing the theory of Truth - Brahma Vidya. A seeker should renounce desire, anger and greed. Anger is the result when fulfillment of desire is obstructed and greed is the consequence of satisfaction of one desire.
Sri Krishna warns that if one were not to obey the life advocated in the scriptures he will live a life of restless agitations and passions. Such a man cannot feel any happiness or attain any cultural development.
tasmaat shaastram pramaanam te kaaryaakaaryavyavasthitau
jnaatwaa shaastra vidhaanoktam karma kartumihaarhasi // 16.24 //
Therefore, let the scriptures be the authority in determining what ought to be done and what ought not to be done. Having known what is said in the ordinance of the scriptures you should act here in this world.
The seeker should therefore follow the authority of the scriptures in conducting his way of life as to what is to be pursued and what is to be avoided. Sri Krishna concludes with the command that having known the scriptural injunctions regarding the right way of living, one should act here and now without desire, anger or greed.
The drive of desire must be displaced by the knowledge of right action, but when the supreme end of the freedom of spirit is attained, the individual acts not from instinct, not from law but from a deep insight into the spirit of all life.
om tat sat iti srimadbhagavadgeetaasu upanishatsu brahma vidyaayaam yogashaastre sri krishnaarjuna samvaade daivaasura sampad vibhhaaga yogo naama shodasho'dhyaayah ||
Thus in the Upanishads of the glorious Bhagavad Gita,the science of the Eternal, the scripture of Yoga, the dialogue between Sri Krishna and Arjuna, ends the sixteenth discourse entitled The Yoga of the Division Between the Divine and the Demoniacal Traits.
Concepts and Issues
Sri Krishna discusses those traits of character that make a person divine or demoniac, since the former leads to liberation whereas the latter leads to bondage. The list of divine traits comprises of 26 qualities, the chief ones being: fearlessness, purity of mind, self control, Scriptural studies, austerity, non-violence, and truth, spirit of renunciation, compassion, forgiveness and absence of pride.
The other list of demoniac traits consists of six vices: hypocrisy, vainglory, egoism, anger, harsh speech and ignorance of higher values.
Then the description of the demoniac persons and their way of life follows. They know neither the performance of good works nor the need to withdraw from the evil ones. They have neither purity nor truth. They consider lust as the sole cause of creation. Being addicted to it, they out of delusion, try to get unholy things. They boast about their wealth or works and take pleasure in destroying their enemies. They dislike The Lord who is the Self of all beings. Such persons are thrown by The Lord into abominable births.
The gateway to hell that ultimately causes self-destruction is threefold: lust, anger and greed. One who is free from these attains the highest abode. But, for this, one has to act according to the scriptures with Sraddha or faith.
Live as the Gita Teaches You to Live
This Chapter teaches that everyone should analyze himself and find out the undesirable traits in one's own character and rectify them then and there with discrimination and introspection. For this one must be true to oneself and be a witness of the mental functions. Then alone one can know whether the thoughts and actions will prove to be instruments of self-development.
“In Indian religious symbolism, the distinction between the devas, the shining ones, and the asuras, the children of darkness is an ancient one. In the Rig Veda we have the struggle between the Gods and the Rakshasas. The Ramayana represents a similar conflict between the representatives of high culture and those of unbridled egoism. The Maha Bharata tells of the struggle between the Pandavas who are devotees of dharma, of law and justice and the Kauravas, who are the lovers of power.
Historically mankind remains remarkably true to type, and we have today as in the period of the Maha Bharata some men who are divinely good, some who are diabolically fallen and some who are damnably indifferent. These are the possible developments of men who are more or less like us. The devas and asuras are both born of prajapati. (Chhandogya Upanishad I.2.i.)”. Dr.S.Radhakrishnan.
Is the world we live in at present any different with all its multi-pronged fight against terrorism, scams, man-made disasters, trade wars, territorial aggressions, gross injustice etc.? The guidelines set forth in this Chapter will certainly help us to know where we are heading for and provide us tools to take corrective steps, if one cares to improve himself.
Points to Ponder
• Comment on the three vices: Desire, Anger and Greed. Why they have to be conquered?
• Why one should follow the rules laid down in the scriptures?
Next time we shall take up Chapter 17