Concepts and Issues
In these verses Sri Krishna comes down from the peaks of vedantic ideologies to the material philosophy and the average person's wisdom to drive home his teachings with a view to convince Aruba that the war must be fought.
The thrust of the arguments is that the sin that is committed by not killing the one who deserves to be killed is as great as the sin of killing the one who does not deserve to be killed. When the struggle between right and wrong is on, he who abstains from it out of false sentimentality, weakness or cowardice would be committing sin.
The Lord reminds Arjuna about his name and fame he had already earned which he would now lose if he refuses to fight and thereby has touched the latter's sensitive point of self-respect. He tells that the world will always recall the infamy of Arjuna and it will last for a long time. Death is really preferable to disgrace to the one who has been honored as a great hero with noble qualities.
Sri Bhagavan continues that the great warriors and the battalion commanders in the enemy camp will laugh and ridicule Arjuna for his running away from the war as an act of sheer cowardice. He points out that the enemy line will not believe that Arjuna ran away because of his compassion and reverence for elders and teachers and that they will look down upon him with contempt. There is really no pain that is unbearable as that of the slanderous comments emanating from the side of the enemy.
Finally, Arjuna, is told by The Lord that he will stand to gain either he wins or loses in the battle - in case he loses his life, he attains veera swarga and in case he succeeds, he will rule over the kingdom and enjoy in this world.
Therefore, Sri Krishna exhorts Arjuna with these words: ‘Arise, resolve to fight’. This is the divine call to all of us to throw away dejections at the life's challenges and to go forward to play ‘the game of life’ with a firm determination to win keeping in mind fairness to all. This verse brings out the true universality of the Gita and its practical applicability in our daily lives.
In these verses Krishna clarified several doubts that arose in the mind of Arjuna in the 1st Chapter. Some of them are illustrated below:
Arjuna’s doubt: I don’t foresee any good ensuing from the slaughter of my kinsmen -1.31.
Krishna’s clarification: There is nothing more welcome to a man of the warrior class than a righteous war - 2.31
A - How can we, by killing our kinsmen be happy? 1.37
K - Happy are the Kshatrias who get the opportunity of waging such an unsolicited war 2.32.
A - The consequences of war will lead to hell - 1.44
K - The war is an open way to heaven 2.32, 37.
A - Sin alone will accrue to us by waging the war and by slaying them 1.36, 39, 45.
K - If you do not wage such a righteous war with an equanimous mind and abandon your duty, you will incur sin 2.33, 38.
A - The result of the war will be that impiety will take hold of the entire family 1.40.
K - If you do not wage the war you will be abandoning righteousness 2.33.
A - It is better to live on alms than to wage war 2.5.
K - Arjuna is ordered to wage war 2.38.
Live as the Gita Teaches You to Live
The advice that Sri Bhagavan gives here is that one must learn to keep oneself in equilibrium in all the different situations of life at the different levels of one's existence. To expect life to be without the pairs of opposites such as favorable and unfavorable, gain or loss etc. is to anticipate the impossible. Therefore if one has come to live in this world one has to learn the art of living unaffected by the vicissitudes of life. To identify oneself with the life situations - favorable or unfavorable - is to drift along with the waves and not to stand on the shore as a spectator enjoying the sight of the same waves.
Sri Krishna advises Arjuna, while encouraging him to fight, that he should enter the war keeping himself unaffected by the debilitating mental tendencies like pleasure and pain, gain and loss, conquest and defeat etc. This is the Yoga of equanimity of the mind or the doctrine of poise in action.
Equanimity in all challenging situations ensures success in life and enables the purging of ego-sense and egocentric desires. This removal is blocked when the individual starts getting disturbed by all sorts of pairs of opposites when the ego sense overtakes him. To be equanimous is to act detached from ego. This kind of right living results in mental purification or vasana elimination or correction of mental tendencies.
If a person performs an action with the above mental attitude or with a balanced state of mind he will not reap the fruits of such an action. Such an action will lead to the purification of his heart and liberation.
It is always the desire for one of the pairs of opposites that binds. When an act is done without attachment either for itself or for its fruits then Karma can be worked out i.e. vasanas can be exhausted without adding any new ones leading to freedom.
The idea is that whatever may be the outcome of the war, Arjuna will be the gainer. Krishna implies that everyone should discharge his duty very sincerely and enthusiastically, to the best of his power and ability, in whatever circumstances, he is placed. Humanity demands it.
Points to Ponder
1.Nature of the soul
2.Even if the soul is subject to birth and death why no one should grieve for it?
3.How the relationships derived from the bodies are illusory?
4.Why grieving is not proper to Arjuna even according to his sense of his duty as a Kshatriya?
5.What makes the performance of one’s duty free from bondage or sin?
Next time we will proceed from the Verse 2.39
Harih Om