sankalpaprabhavaan kaamaanstyaktwaa sarvaan asheshatah
manasaivendriyagraamam viniyamya samantatah // 6.24 //
Abandoning without reserve all desires born of Sankalpa and completely restraining the whole group of senses by the mind from all sides...
shanaih shanairuparamed budddhyaa dhritigriheetayaa
aatmasamstham manah kritwaa na kinchidapi chintayet // 6.25 //
Little by little let him attain quietitude by the intellect held in firmness; having made the mind established in the Self, let him not think of anything.
The goal of Yoga was to accomplish that state wherein the mind, through the practice of concentration, comes to get it absolutely restrained and achieves perfection or bliss. The way of attaining single pointedness of mind, what the single pointed mind should then do, how to approach and ultimately realize the Truth have all been exhaustively dealt with here. The various stages to be undergone in this regard are:
Renounce all desires fully by controlling the mind and restrain all the sense organs from their fields of sense objects. This mind-quietening process cannot be achieved at one go. It is clearly advised that mind should achieve quietitude as a result of withdrawal from sense objects by degrees - slowly and slowly.
Thereafter, patiently, the mind should be made to contemplate on the Self with the aid of the intellect. A mind that continuously contemplates on the Self becomes still and gets pervaded by the divine quietitude. This is the last stage of the journey that conscious and deliberate action can take any seeker.
Sri Krishna warns that the meditator after reaching the last stage of inner peace should not think of anything else. Undisturbed by any new thought waves he should maintain inner silence and come to live it more and more deeply.
yato yato nishcharati manashchanchalamasthiram
tatastato niyamyai tadaatmanyeva vasham nayet // 6.26 //
From whatever cause the restless and the unsteady mind wanders away, from that let him restrain it and bring it back to be under the control of the Self alone.
Mind by its very nature is unsteady and restless; it always wanders away from the point of concentration. The true seeker on the path of meditation will therefore get despaired at his inability to fix his mind on a focal point, contemplating on the Self. During the practice of meditation although the sense organs are controlled, the chasing of the sense objects by the mind will continue and cause dejection in the seeker.
The reasons for this roving mind may be many such as memories of the past, proximity of the tempting sense objects, attachments etc. Sri Krishna directs that whatever be the reason for the restlessness of the mind, the seeker is not to lose hope. On the contrary he should understand that these tendencies are the very characteristics of the mind and the process of meditation is the technique to eliminate them.
The means of bringing under control the restless mind are the realization of the illusoriness of sense-objects and the cultivation of indifference to them. Through practice of discrimination and detachment the mind gradually attains inner peace.
The Lord advises the seeker to bring back the mind that has gone out on a roaming mission. As soon as the mind is withdrawn through will power it will go out again because mind means flow of thoughts and it can never be steady without any motion. Therefore in the meditation when the mind is withdrawn from the sense objects it should be provided with an alternative to keep it busy. That alternative is its application towards contemplating on the Self alone.
prashaantamanasam hyenam yoginam sukhamuttamam
upaiti shaantarajasam brahmabhootamakalmasham // 6.27 //
Supreme bliss verily comes to this yogi whose mind is completely tranquil, whose passions are quietened, who is free from sin and has become one with Brahman.
yunjannevam sadaa'tmaanam yogee vigatakalmashah
sukhena brahmasamsparsham atyantam sukham ashnute // 6.28 //
The yogi always engaging the mind thus (in the practice of yoga) freed from sins easily enjoys the Infinite Bliss of contact with Brahman.
In these two verses the Lord describes the benefits of Yoga. During meditation when the mind is withdrawn from the world of objects and is concentrated on the Self, it acquires quietitude and the thought flow ceases. Where there is no thought flow there is no mind. Where the mind has ended, there the seeker experiences the Infinite nature of the Self and the meditator reaches to the Supreme Bliss by ending all his mental agitations.
The ego discovers that it is none other than the Self and hence there is no dualism at this stage. Such a man of self-realization himself becomes Brahman. The meditator (Upasaka) becomes one with the object of meditation (Upasya).
A meditator step by step grows out of his own ignorance and imperfection represented by his ego and merges with the Supreme. He loses contact with the objects of the senses and comes into contact with the Self within - Brahman. This means that the seeker becomes Brahman and comes to experience the Infinite Bliss as against contact with the world of objects (`not-Self’) whose joys are always finite. He becomes a Jivanmukta, liberated while living in a body.
Chandogya Upanishad (VII-xxiii.I) says “That which is infinite or great beyond all, is true happiness. There is no joy in that which is finite. Happiness lies in infinity. Efforts should be made in particular to know the Infinite alone”. It continues “The Infinite represents that plane of consciousness in which no other is cognized and the state in which another is seen, another is heard and another is cognized represents the finite. That which is infinite is immortal. That which is finite is mortal”. (VII-xxiv.I)