The systematization of Vedantic ideas into one coherent
treatise was achieved by Badarayana in the Vedanta Sutras or Brahma Sutras. Consistent throughout
Vedanta, however, is the exhortation that rituals be
subordinated to the individual's quest for Truth (the
Absolute, Brahman, Paramatma) through meditation governed by
Dharma supported by the knowledge that infinite
bliss awaits the seeker.
Almost all the existing sects of Hinduism are
directly or indirectly influenced by the thought systems
developed by Vedantic thinkers. It can safely be asserted that
Hinduism to a great extent owes its survival to the formation
of the coherent and logically advanced schemes of
Also read
1. Characteristics of Indian Philosophy
2. Six systems of Indian Philosophy by Pandit
Rajmani Tugnait