Mantra 10
yachchittastenaishha praanamaayaati | praanastejasaa yuktah sahaatmanaa tathaasankalpitam lokam nayati || 10||
Whatever are one’s thoughts (at the time of death) that thought remains with the outgoing prana. Prana coupled with udana and Atman, leads to whatever world has been conceived (in the last thoughts).
This Mantra explains who determines the field of next activity when the udana leaves the body along with the mind. It says that the last thoughts at the time of departure determine the future field for the prana or ego-centre or jivatma (which is the performer of action and the experiencer of the result) to live out in its next birth. The after-death experience of the soul depends entirely upon the desires it cherishes at the time of death. If it has attained peace and freedom before death, it experiences them afterwards as well. (Ref: Gita 8.6)
Mantra 11
ya evam vidvaan.h praanam veda na haasya prajaa hiiyate.amrito bhavati tadeshhah shlokah || 11||
A wise man who knows Prana thus does not lose his offspring and becomes immortal. As to this there is the following verse:
All possible human wants have been classified in Vedanta under three categories viz., desire for progeny, desire for name and fame, and desire for wealth. Here desire for progeny indicates human relationship with others in a society. Pippalada suggests that he who meditates on the truth that one’s own microcosmic form with its activity centers is nothing but a miniature universe with its cosmic forces in the macrocosm will find his relationship with others in the world always congenial. He attains the immortal nature of prana himself. This is supported by a Mantra in the Rig Veda as under.
Mantra 12
utpattimaayatim sthaanam vibhutvam chaiva pajnchadhaa |
adhyaatmam chaiva praanasya vigyaayaamritamashnute
vigyaayaamritamashnuta iti || 12||
He who knows the origin of Prana, its entry, its abode, its fivefold distribution, its omnipresence, its internal aspect and also its external, obtains immortality; yea, he obtains immortality.
Explanation of these terms: Origin of prana – From the Supreme self; Entry – Into the physical body through the activity of the mind; Abode – in the different organs; Fivefold distribution – Refers to the fivefold modifications and their respective functions; Internal aspect – Control of the organs such as eye, ear etc; External aspect – Control of sun, space etc. He who knows implies not merely intellectual understanding but actual realization of the truth. Immortality means perfect identity with total mind, the Hiranyagarbha. Repetition marks the completion of the discussion. The gist of the discussions between the teacher and the student in this third question of the Upanishad can be summarized in a table as under.
It is pertinent to note here the similarity between the human body and a Hindu temple structure. In Hinduism a temple represents the outer and the inner cosmos or as the symbol of the cosmos both at the level of the universe and at the individual plane, making it possible for the devotee to get inspired to achieve his own spiritual transformation.
The outer cosmos is expressed in terms of various astronomical connections between the temple structure and the motions of the sun, the moon, and the planets. The inner cosmos is represented in terms of the consciousness at the womb of the temple (Garbha Gruha) and various levels of the superstructure that correspond to the states of consciousness.
The main idol placed within the brick structure of the altar represents the consciousness principle within the individual just as a relic within a stupa. The position of the idols within the temple is a symbolic representation of the spatial projections of the cosmic purusha in his own body.
iti prashnopanishhadi tritiiyah prashnah ||
We shall take up the Fourth Question next time.