Acharya Shankara - Delineator of India

  • By Dr V Vasanthakumari
  • April 2014

There  is an increasing demand for an account of Acharya Shankara’s life.  This is because of his influence on the religious, cultural, and  philosophical life of India. There are different views regarding  Acharya Shankara’s birthplace, where he met his guru, when and  where he wrote the bhashyas,  commentaries, as well as the places he travelled. Some of this  information is available in different books; among them  Madhva-Vidyaranya’s Shankara  Digvijaya in  Sanskrit is considered a unique historical and philosophical poem. An  attempt is made here to show Acharya Shankara as the delineator of  India according to his travels. Many temples and shrines, even today,  all over the country bear testimony to his efforts towards national  integration.

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Also  read
1. Dwarkadish Mandir, Dwarka pics
2. Jagannath Puri Mandir, Puri pics
3. Sringeri    Mutt pics
4. Mookambika Temple, Karnataka pics
5. The classic debate between Mandana Misra and Adi Shankara
6. Aparokshanubhuti by Adi Sankara – Advaita Vedanta in a Capsule

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