The Bhagwatam Diary 2004

  • By Sri Aurobindo


1.Nobody can equal a holy man who possesses the pure qualities of Sattwa (light and harmony), control of mind, and senses, austerity, forbearance, truth and the grace of God. (V-5-24)

2. My devotees, who possess nothing, do not seek for any personal benefits from me knowing that my powers are Infinite and I can grant both heavenly enjoyments as well as liberation. (V-5-25)

3/4. A person who is not able to grasp the unreality of the waking experience of worldly happiness by applying the analogy of a dream will not be able to learn even from the teachings of the Vedas. (V-11-3)

5. As long as the mind is dominated by the three modes viz. Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas it will remain uncontrollable. Such a person will constantly utilize his senses in actions resulting in either merit or sin leading to re-birth. (V-11-4)

6. The mind created by Maya keeps the Jiva (individuals soul) in close embrace and involves it in the cycle of birth and death. It brings on the Atman (self), sufferings and enjoyments in due course of time. (V-11-6)

7. The Jiva (Soul) is bound to move from birth to birth so long as he does not realize himself to be the supreme self. This enlightenment can take place only through detachment from the worldly objects and control over the six internal enemies like lust, anger etc. (V-11-15)

8. Annihilate this mind which hides your real self from view though non-existent by itself, through the weapon of loving service to the Lord, as it is an enemy grown very powerful due to negligence. (V-11-17)

9. Everything in this world of multiplicity whether gross or subtle, small or big, cause or effect, living or inert is the creation of the cosmic Power of the Lord, called differently as nature, tendencies, time etc. (V-12-10)

10/11. The ultimate Truth is what the sages call Vasudeva (the indweller in all beings) or God. He is known variously as Pure knowledge, the Real existence, and ultimate peace, Brahman etc. (V-12-11)

12. Without bathing oneself in the dust of the feet of holy men, one cannot obtain enlightenment through any other means like austerity, sacrifices, taking up monkhood, study of scriptures or worship of various deities. (V-12-12)

13. By attending discourses on Lord’s glories talks on worldly matters are avoided. It bestows the mind, with a tendency to flow unwaveringly and continuously towards the Lord with love. (V-12-13)

14. One can cross the never-ending path of Sansara and attain the Lord by cutting off one’s infatuation with the world with the sword of knowledge obtained by cultivating the company of holy men and detachment. (V-12-16)

15. How wonderful is Lord’s play that we refuse to see death while all around us people die. See how, even immediately after consigning their son or father to ashes men want to enjoy life by doing all prohibited acts. (V-18-3)

16. Wise men and persons with spiritual knowledge realize and call the world as impermanent. Still, Lord, people get deluded by thy power of Maya and blindly believe the world to be permanent. (V-18-4)

17/18. Lord, you are the self of all and all-pervasive in all the objects as their material cause and at the same time distinct and independent of them. You remain actionless but people attribute to you the cause of creation, sustenance and dissolution of the universe. (V-18-5)

19. May all the world be happy! May the wicked people be pleased and in peace! May all people pray for the mutual good! May the minds of all us flow spontaneously towards the Lord, free from the promptings of material desires. (V-18-9)

20. O’ Lord! If at all, let us have the company of your devotees but let us never be attached to the house, life-partner, son, wealth etc. persons indulging in sensuous pleasures can never succeed in spiritual life as those who are self-controlled and content. (V-18-10)

21. As a result of the association with holy men, God enters into the hearts of devotees whose ears are exposed to the Lord’s glories and purifies their propensities for sinful deeds. (V-18-11)

22. All gods bestow their virtues on those devotees who have no possessions. How can a person not devoted to the Lord but running after fulfillment of material desires possess any great virtue? (V-18-12)

23. Leave off the house, the whirlpool of Sansara which is the source of all miseries stemming from attachment, anger, ego, desire, fear etc. and seek shelter in the Lord’s feet free from all fear. (V-18-14)

24/25. How lucky are the people born in Bharatvarsha where they could serve the Lord! Either they have earned it by excellent deeds in the past life or by the unconditional grace of the Lord! (V-19-21)

26. What is the use of these difficult austerities, sacrifices and charities etc? They will only earn an entry into the heaven where one is deprived of the remembrance of God due to the preponderance of sensual delights. (V-19-22)

27. Far better it is to be born with a short life span in the land of Bharat than aeons in the heavenly regions subject to the cycle of rebirth. A wise man on this earth can easily attain the Lord’s feet by means of renunciation. (V-19-23)

28. Where lord’s glories are not sung, where holy men, solely dependent on the Lord, do not live and where God’s worship and celebrations do not take place, one should never visit such a place, even if it be the heaven. (V-19-24)

29. Those who are born with all facilities for worship, like knowledge, rituals and materials do not strive for liberation, will have to go into bondage again and again. (V-19-25)

30. Truly, Lord, you fulfill the worldly desires of those people who pray for that but it is of no use as the latter’s desires never get exhausted. But you yourself grant refuge at your feet to those who do not seek any boons from you. (V-19-27)

31/1. Lord, if any balance of our merits (punya) entitling us to the heaven are left, may we be born as result of those virtues in the holy land of Bharat where the Lord showers His grace on His devotees. (V-19-28)

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