LONGEWAL War Memorial, Jaisalmer

By Sanjeev Nayyar esamskriti108@gmail.com | 2013

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38 kms from Tanot Temple is the village of Longewal where a fierce battle was fought and won in the 1971 war with Pakistan. U see tank seized from the Pakis. Marble plaque on right of pic is what you see in the next pic.

Pic is self-explanatory. There is a small garden in the village i.e. dedicated to the brave soldiers who won war for Bharat. A few minutes walk away is the tank. There is always someone from the Indian Army on duty who tells you about the battle.

This board gives you details of the Battle of Longewala 1971. I made the mistake of going from Tanot to Longewala via Ramgarh some 78 kms, please take the shortcut from Tanot i.e. 38 kms. Either way it is a great drive through different and lovely terrain. Got to see some unspoilt villages as well.

This is a memorial to BP 638 or Border Pillar 638. BP are reference points erected on the border on ground and maps. As you can see in back part of pic there is a wall around the memorial.

This memorial is dedicated to the brave 23 Punjab Regiment. May their tribe increase. To read about the Battle of Longewala Click here

On the rear side of the memorial is details about it and the war. Suggest first go to Tanot Temple and then to Longewal. To see pics of Tanot Mandir Click here

When the Pakis came here in 1971 they poisoned a well here i.e. in front of pic. 3 soldiers did not know, drank water and gave up their bodies. This memorial is in their memory as it is in the memory of those who lost their lives during Operation Parakram that took place post 2001 Parliament House Attack.

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