Ramana Maharishi Ashram

By Sanjeev Nayyar esamskriti108@gmail.com | 2016

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In January 2016 a life long dream of visiting the Ramana Maharishi Ashram came true. Entrance is unassuming except as u enter the ashram the vibrations and energy levels change. Stone has following inscription: "Om, Sri Arunachalam, Sri Ramanasramam, Sri Matrubhutesvara Mahasannidhanam. Foundation of temple was laid by Sri Ramana Maharshi on 1.9.1939 and consecrated on 17.3.1949." This is the Samadhi Hall.

Pics of Ramana Maharshi in the book shop. Very good shop. "As a boy of 16 in 1896, he challenged death by a penetrating enquiry into the source of his being. Later hailed as Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi he revealed the direct path of practice of Self-enquiry and awakened mankind to the immense spiritual power of the holy Arunachala Hill, the spiritual heart of the world."

Old ashrama 1938 in centre of pic. Place is spotlessly clean and an ocean of peace. Close to this is the old meditation hall. "Passing through the door of the Samadhi Hall on the north side the visitor comes to the Old Hall. This and the Nirvana Room are regarded as spots particularly sanctified by the Maharshi’s presence. In this hall thousands of devotees had his darshan." Do meditate in this hall, some experience.

Pic of ashram. Hill behind is Arunachala. There are some caves in the mountain, whose entrance is from ashram, where you can go and meditate. It is about 45 minutes climb one way. "Virupaksha Cave has the shape of the sacred “Om” and contains the samadhi of Sage Virupaksha. Bhagavan Sri Ramana lived here from 1899 to 1916." Hope to visit next time.

A Sadhu and devotee in deep conversation. As I said there is something amazing about the ashram. It was Shanti Shanti Shanti all around. Felt Ramana Maharshi''s presence everywhere.

Inside the ashram is a Vedapatasala. Students at work. To visit the Ashram website Click here

Close up of students reciting mantras. To read about Sri Ramana at Arunachala Click here

Close up of Sri Ramana Maharshi Samadhi in Samadhi Hall.

During evening aarti Pandits offering pranams at the Samadhi.

We were there on Thursday 21st Jan, a auspicious day. So there was a special music session (please suggest a better word) in the evening. It was awesome, rejuvenating and inspiring. To read about Ramanasramam Click here

This is the place where Sri Bhagwan attained Mahanirvana.

A pic of a pic of the Arunachala Mandir. Visiting the Ashram and mandir are one of the highlights of my spiritual journey. Consider myself blessed.

Peacock in the ashram. To read some GEMS of WISDOM Click here

For certain reasons devotees have to walk around the mountain on a road and not close to mountain base. The road and walking path is well paved, saw many Sadhus on the way. After about mid-way the walk enters the busy areas of Thiruvannamalai.

A close up of the holy Arunachala hill. "The Maharshi called Arunachala the spiritual Heart of the world. Aruna, which means ‘red, bright like fire’, does not signify the mere fire that gives off heat. Rather, it means Jnanagni, the Fire of Wisdom, which is neither hot nor cold. Achala signifies hill. Thus, Arunachala means ‘Hill of Wisdom’. To read more Click here

People waiting outside the Ramanasramam dispensary. To see pics of Arunachala Mandir Click here

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