Paintings of Traditional Dress and Ornaments of Garwhal and Kumaon

By Bhaskar Bhauriyal | 2019

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1. Tewariji wrote an article on the traditional dress and ornaments of Uttarakhand. Subsequently, he spoke to me about the work of a 19 year old painter from Almora Bhaskar, whose work we present. Garwhal lady in traditional dress. In nose round is NATH, the other ornament is BULAAK. Gold necklace is GULOBAND & hand bangle is called PAUNJE.

2. Musicians who visit during marriage. Person on left is playing Dhol. In Kumaon he is called DHOLI, in Garwhal called AUJI. Person on right is playing Bag-piper locally called MASAKBEEN. Person sitting is playing DAMAU.

3. Lady from Jaunsari region of Uttarakhand ie close to Himachal. Choker round her neck is called HANSULI. Right of pic are three people are performing Lok Nritya or dance of that region which is called TANDI. Bhaskar painter helped with pic captions.

4. Lady belongs to the Rung community of Kumaon, region is Dharchula that adjoins Nepal. For those who go for the Kailash Mansrovar Yatra, Dharchula is the last stop – from where they drive to Narayan Ashram and start trek.

5. Garwhali lady. She is having hukkah called SHULPA Ki SAAJ. What she has tied on her back is KANDI. Sulpa Ki Saaj is a song called BAJUBAND. To see video of Sulpaa Ki Saaj – Garwhali Video Song by Narendra Singh Negi

6. Lady returning after cutting wheat and sarso. In hand is a tea kettle. Next to that in small cloth called BUKHDE, is bhunahua rice.

7. Kumaoni lady. Has ghada on her head, used to collect & store water. Reddish brown garment is called PICHODA. Lower garment is GHAGRI. Background has traditional home frame.

8. During month of Chaitra - new year husband wife duo would visit, dance and sing in front of your home in lieu of which people gave food grains, ghee, clothes etc. Name of the instrument played is called HUDKA. Dance form is now extinct.

9. Bhaskar painters mother. She is a farmer, lives in Kuroli village of Bageshwar district of Kumaon. Loved the pic, typical Kumaoni lady. Ear rings are called KARNA PHOOL. He is currently a student of Fine Art at Kumaoni University Campus, Almora.

10. Kumaoni lady has worn PICHODA. Traditional home. From CHAJJA of her home she is looking outside. Round nose is NATH.

11. Kumaoni shepherd with goats/sheep. Lady is cutting the equivalent of cucumber i.e. found in the hills.

12. Lady in Munisyari Kumaon who belongs to the Sauka community. Necklace called CHANDRAHAR. Lower garment black is blanket called GADI. Munisyari is very high up, base to the Panchkuli Himalayan range, beautiful place. Close by is village Darkot where get lovely woollens made out of rabbit wool.

13. Pic 1 was Garwhal lady. This is Kumaon lady. Gold round nose is called NATH. She wears a mangalsutra locally called CHAREO. Ear rings or jhumkas is called AIRAN. Gold bangle is PAUNJE.

14. Garwhal Kumaoni mix. Black blanket is called GADI in Kumaon and PAKHI in Garwhali. Door is called KHOLIWALA dwar. Note Ganeshji in centre of door. Belief is that if Ganeshji at door then bad souls do not enter.

15. Kumaoni lady. Black utensil is called NALI to measure the grain. Brown bit in her lap is called SUPPA. Anklet is JHAWRI. Lady getting ready to make food.

16. Lady in high mountain range who is standing in grassland called BUGYAL. Her ear rings are called MURKHLI. Pic shows Pahadi lady is hardy/tough just like the Himalayas.

17. Pic of actress of the 1960’s Vijayanthalimala in Kumaon Garwhali dress. Never thought that Bhaskar from Kumaon would know about her. Her choker is called HASULI. Long necklace is CHREU. Silver bangle is DHAGULA.

18. Both ladies going to forests to cut grass. They climb high altitudes to cut grass. Shows how tough is life in the hills. If you like to connect with young painter Bhaskar his number is 91 97200 19896.

19. Kumaoni lady. Colour of red blouse and green sari is based on visual of when red rose blossoms in a green forest these are the colours that one sees, it looks just like lady in pic. It is the artist way of connecting the lady with Prakriti / Nature.

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