Matrimandir Auroville

By Sanjeev Nayyar | 2016

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Visited Auroville in 2003 and now in January 2016. Happy to see it is still peaceful and serene. From Visitor''s Centre Matrimandir is about a 20 minute walk. In 2003 the Mandir was being made, now the whole landscape has changed. At Auroville lots of products like soaps, coasters are made. Check out very good. To know all about the Matrimandir Click here

Image in the art gallery at Auroville. "The name ''Matrimandir'' means literally ''Temple of the Mother''. According to Sri Aurobindo''s teaching, the ''Mother'' concept stands for the great evolutionary, conscious and intelligent principle of Life, the Universal Mother, - which seeks to help humanity move beyond its present limitations into the next stage of its evolutionary adventure, the supramental consciousness".

Amphitheatre close to Matrimandir. "The spacious Inner Chamber in the upper hemisphere of the Matrimandir is completely white, with white marble walls and deep, white carpeting. In the centre sits a pure crystal-glass globe which suffuses a ray of electronically guided sunlight that falls on it through an opening at the apex of the sphere. This luminescent globe radiates natural lighting in the Inner Chamber".

Close up of Matrimandir. This structure must be one of its types in the world. Note it is a place for concentration and not a tourist site. To know guidelines for reservation of slot for concentration at Matrimandir Click here

Entrance to Maharshi Aurobindo Samadhi. "In June 1965, the Mother started speaking of her intention to build, north of Puducherry, a “universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony, above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The purpose of Auroville is to realise human unity.”

Library building. At Sri Aurobindo Ashram lots of products are available like agarbattis, soaps, acupunture slippers, key chains, pictures etc. Do visit - very good stuff.

Church of the Immaculate Conception. According to locals the church was built after destroying a Ganesha temple. There is no evidence left of the temple.

Do visit the Ganesha Temple ie close to Sri Aurobindo''s Samadhi. To see pics Click here

There was a line of devotees with new vehicles who come to get blessings of Lord Ganesha. Note a limbo or lemon is placed on the street over which the new vehicle drives over.

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