Ramakrishna Mission Polytechnic Chennai

By Sanjeev Nayyar esamskriti108@gmail.com | 2016

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At the beginning of my Tamil Nadu Temple Yatra, had gone to Ramakrishna Mission Mylapore, Chennai where I got to know about the Ramakrishna Mission Student Home ie a 10 minute drive from RKM. You see entrance to the Student Home. It has a Polytechnic (408 students), Residential High School (250 students, Class 6-10), Student''s Home and Primary School (100 students).

I reached at about 5.30 pm students were about to leave. At entrance to the Polytechnic College. "The school serves more than 670 orphan and poor students with free education, food and accommodation. It has three free educational institutions -- a Residential High School, a Residential Polytechnic College and a Primary Day School. Students Home was started in 1905 by Swami Ramakrishnananda, a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna."

One of the laboratories where a Class was in progress. Students are from poor orphan and destitute boys selected mostly from remote rural areas.

Technical knowledge imparted in this hall. "Currently there are about 670 students in residence. In Primary School, boys and girls from the local community are admitted as day scholars."

Automobile Training Workshop - saw virtually every part of a car in this big hall. They offer Diploma in Automobile Engineering.

Child running with broom. What I liked about this school was very clean and kept that way by the students.

Painting a drum. The home started on a small scale in 1905. Current facility was made in 1916. With time more buildings were made.

Expert technical lessons in progress. They offer Diploma courses in Mechanical and Computer Engineering. To know more Click here

Central Receiver. "This plant uses the immense power of the sun by focusing the sunlight to a central receiver. Water flowing to the receiver is heated up and converted into steam which is used for cooking. ARUN® dish is capable of moving and tracking the sun’s motion (Automated Dual Axis Tracking) and thus maximizing the efficiency of the system

The terrace of this building and the next full of solar panels. "We have adopted ARUN solar steam generating technology to reduce our dependency on LPG, required for cooking. By capturing solar energy and using it to convert water into enough steam, a majority of our everyday cooking requirements is fulfilled." To read more Click here

Children in front a Gas based plant. The gas generated here goes straight to the kitchen.

Keeping the school clean. Loved the Do it Yourself Attitude of the students. It combines the Gurukula form of education with system and science.

On return from Yatra reached around lunch time so got to click this pic. Food is provided free to students.

Post lunch students have to wash their plates. "The Indian Green Building Council the School with the IGBC Platinum rated Green school certification under IGBC Green schools rating programme for the achievements and initiatives taken in making their campus green". To read more Click here

Ringing the evening bell is also duty of students. The kids just loved being clicked. To see pics of RKM Narayanpur Bastar Click here

Boys hostel. You can support the home activities in many ways for e.g. for sponsoring breakfast Rs 7,000/, lunch Rs 9,800/, dinner Rs 8,400/ OR sponsor a child yearly education cost. For High School Std 6-10 Rs 20,000/, Polytechnic College Rs 28,000/. Contacts email office@rkmshome.org, 044 2499 0264. Donations get 80G Income-Tax benefit. You can pay thru Netbanking, Card, Cheque. To know more Click here

Children looked so happy and a playful mood. Agartala, Itanagar, Kumaon or Shirdi - kids everywhere love being clicked.

Evening prayer. See pics of Vivekananda House Marina Beach Chennai Click here

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