The Growing Yoga Community in Istanbul

  • By Ayca Gurelman
  • September 2015

‘Yoga is a relatively new subject for Turkey. Other than a couple of yoga instructors giving classes to closed groups, it became known to the public only by the beginning of the new millennium. Unfortunately the pioneering yoga instructors introduced yoga either as a sort of physical sport like contortionism or as a mystical path which gives the practitioners some special powers. Therefore since the very beginning we at Istanbul Yoga Center, wanted to spread the authentic knowledge of yoga for the physical, mental, and spiritual health of the Turkish and also to popularise the scientific basis of the yogic practices. To reach our goal, we organise various classes on a daily basis in our yoga centre, publish books on yoga philosophy and practice, and organise certificate and diploma programs of Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana (s-vyasa) Yoga University.’

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This article was first published in the Prabuddha Bharata, monthly journal of The Ramakrishna Order started by Swami Vivekananda in 1896. This article is courtesy and copyright Prabuddha Bharata ( I have been reading the Prabuddha Bharata for years and found it enlightening. You can subscribe online at Cost is Rs 100/ for one year, Rs 280/ for three years, Rs 1,200/ for twenty years and Rs 2,000 for twenty five years.

Also read
1. Strategic reasons for celebrating International Yoga Day
2. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
3. About Surya Yog
4. Articles on Yoga by Kaivalyadhama Lonavla

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