Durga Puja Bageshwar

By Sanjeev Nayyar esamskriti108@gmail.com | 2012

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I was in Bageshwar Temple (right of picture) when heard of Durga Puja celebrations. I crossed the river bridge at super speed to see the celebrations firsthand. The first procession was this one, the first image being of Lord Ganesha.

As I entered the lane saw this group of school going girls who would play Dandiya later like is done in Gujarat. Dressed in sarees and lots of jewellery - very impressive. They were very happy to be clicked. Situated at the confluence of 2 sacred rivers, Saryu and Gomti, Bageshwar is an important centre for Shiva devotees.

There is a Gandhi Maidan in Bageshwar. All the images were kept there, then entered a lane. U see a Durga image. All the images were put in cycle rickshaws and taken for immersion.

Music and dance are part of every procession. U see the musicians - note their colorful dress. Saw a similar dress of musicians at the Chaliya Utsav in Pithoragarh.

Local women dressed in their best sarees with lots of gold jewellery. Very sporting - allow me click pictures. U see them dancing away in happiness. Left of pic u see a musician who has a small sword in hand - see the pose. A Uttarayani fair is held here in mid January every year. It has also become an important trade fair today.

This musician whom you see playing the dholak was in his element. Everytime he played the solo the crowds were delighted.

Ladies dancing to music. Note the lady in salwar kameez on left of pic. Has kept her small pouch round her neck and dancing away happily. The dancing was infectious. I nearly began dancing myself but realized dancing with the camera in a crowd would be difficult.

Various images of Ma being taken in the procession. Men and women both dancing, crowds in high spirits and happy.

Note the various instruments being used by musicians. Bagheshwar is a base camp for trekkers going to Pindari, Kafani and Sundherdhunga glaciers.

Another pic of Ma image in procession. Consider myself lucky to be in Bageshwar on this day.

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