Umang Raniket

By Sanjeev Nayyar | 2012

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On the Rainket Almora road is UMANG whose board you see. It is a network of hill women who run a org by the name Mahila Umang Producers Company Ltd. 80 villages are connected thru it in 3 districts. It has 1100 shareholders of which 750 are knitting group and the rest ladies who supply veggies for making food products. Organization is guided and governed by a Board selected from the producer-members and led by a team of development-professionals from the region.

Overview of UMANG shop. Centre of pic is jams, right are woollens. To the right of pic is another big area of only woollen products. I was very impressed with the shop layout, vibrations, products and attitude of salespersons. UMANG was promoted by Pan Himalayan Grassroots Development Foundation (Grassroots -

This board at entrance to the shop tells you what UMANG stands for. Outreach program of promoter Grassrootsindia includes water n sanitation, renewable energy, ecological security, livelihoods and micro-enterprises. To read about their work in the field of Renewable Energy Click here

Woollen knitwear section. It is looking a bit untidy because got the ladies to show me so much of stuff. The shop is well stocked with lots of variety and a big storeroom that you can see behind the glasses. I bought lot of stuff for myself and giftting (appreciated). To read about Grassrootsindia work in Water and Sanitation Click here

Spices: Sundried and hand pounded. Dhania, Garam Masala, Haldi, Red Chilli flakes, Methi, Til, Garlic and Anardana. An Army lady told me the haldi powder is superb. My wife loved the stuff said ''yeah dil mange more''. Their contacts, 91 5966 240430, 221516. Shop open from 10am to 5pm. Peak winter mein might close earlier - check.

U see Basanti with some woollen products. She and hundreds of other ladies are shareholders in the company that runs UMANG. To read about Grassroots work in Community Forestry Click here

Pickles n jam products on display. Make apricot jam, apple and pear jelly, apple jelly, guava jelly, orange marmalade and plum jam. Mango pickle and chutney, green chillie pickle, plum chutney, garlic and ginger pickle, apricot chutney, lime pickle etc. Also sell Natural Honey and promoting sale of organic foods like soya bean, rajma, gahat dal, makka atta, chamonile tea, walnut.

Close up of two salesperson and shareholders left to right are Indira and Basanti. They are displaying some of the woollen products made by UMANG. Indira is wearing a shawl cum sweater called CAPE while Basanti is wearing a Hood Muffler that covers head and neck. Design of UMANG products very good, functional and innovative.

Another display pic of UMANG products. Left is Red PONCHU that covers head and body. Right head is Sunflower cap which covers head and neck while below is waist coat. Their products are scarves, stoles, gloves and mittens, caps, pullovers, cardigans and socks in sizes for men, women and children. All knitted products are also available in the soft colors of natural dyes processed from flowers and wild-plants using sustainable harvesting practices.

Below the shop is a big hall where the pickles and jams are made. Asked to remove my shoes and cover my head with a cap. The cloth covered containers have pickles in them. Every batch ka sample is taken and kept - u can see small bottles on rack in left of pic. To know more about UMANG Click here. I left very impressed and happy with what I saw. More power and success to them.

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