

You can write on any topic covered by eSamskriti. The site has the 6 sections namely Culture, Spirituality, Yoga, History, National Affairs and Special sections. Look up the Header to know sub-sections.

The sub-section 'Good News India' is where you can share details about good work being done by an individual or organization in India.

Q1. What should length of article be?
A1. It should be a minimum of 900 words going up to 3,000 words. If it is longer than 3,000 split the article into parts. So introduction would be chapter 1 and so on. To understand format see :

Q2. Can I include pictures in article?
A2. We welcome use of pictures because a pic speaks a thousand words. Please give a short caption for pic and state who clicked the picture. When you send eSamskriti a picture for publishing it is assumed that you have copyright to use the picture. Any claims from unauthorised usuage of pictures shall not be the responsibility or liability of . Picture size between 450 and 950 KB.

Q3. Quoting references and attributing credits is a must.
A3. Whenever you quote from a book, magazine, web portal please give full references and credits. If it is a book mention name of book, author, publisher and page number. If magazine give name of author, publisher and month/year of issue. If portal give name of author and link.

If information and or insights are already in public domain one can take a view this is known. Having said that, sometimes giving reference to the original story might enhance the credibility of your article.

If a author chooses not to give link and it is subsequently known that the author has failed to give appropriate credits then eSamskriti does not accept any responsibility for any claims made by the author of the reference or its publisher. The matter has to be resolved between the article contributor and or author / publisher.

If the author or publisher is not given credits in a article and objects to denial of credit, then eSamskriti shall first request the author to try and get formal approval for the quote. If such permission is denied we shall remove the article from the site.

eSamskriti has received many articles from Advaita Ashrama and Kaivalyadhama amongst others. We always give credits in the article. The copyright always lies with the original publisher.

If a publication approaches eSamskriti with a request to publish your article, we shall inform you about such request. Unless you have some valid and strong objections why the article should not be published in a particular publication we shall accept request and ensure that you get due credit. If eSamskriti receives any consideration for the publication of your article the same shall be given to you. This para is applicable to articles that we are first published on eSamskriti.

When you are quoting a person in article please give his full description for e.g. if the person is a publisher and Rajya Sabha MP then refer to him as such.

Do not repeat published stories. Say 'According to -----'.
Do not quote only from one source.

Q4. Note on 'Good News India' articles.
A4. If the person or organization who is doing good work has already been written about in some other publication, do ensure that your piece is different from what was earlier published. If at all you wish to repeat an achievement in your article please give reference to the earlier published piece. Pictures would enhance the article.

Note that eSamskriti is a not for profit whose sole objective is selfless sharing of knowledge for the benefit of all. We work with purity in thought and action, accepting that since we are human mistakes will be made. In such cases we shall acknowledge and correct.

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