Jain philosophy simplified

  • By Shri Narottamdas Kapasi
  • July 2002

Renouncement of Possession    

129. More you obtain, more you desire. We never get satisfaction.  The thirst for possession has no end. Sky is infinite, so is desire.
130. Plenty is with you. To protect your possession, security is needed. For that a guard, with weapons of destination is also needed. 
131. A person wedded to non-violence, forgets that his possessions eliminate his love for non-violence.
Wealth first, principle later. Avarices increase with the increase in wealth.  A poor man wants four coins to maintain himself.  He gets the coins and desires more. A rich man’s wealth is countless.  But a slight decrease puts him out of his gear.
Search for more is end low.  In that search every kind of trouble is welcome. 

132. There is a story in Jain scriptures.
In the coldest night, a man was seen in a river.  River water was very cold.  The man was trying to collect some coins, some money, lying in the river.
After he comes out of water, some one questioned him. Regarding his activity in the river. He said, “I have two buffaloes. One is completely studded with valuable diamonds. The other was studded with diamonds but a horn of the buffalo remained to be studded with diamond. I was in the river, as I desired studding the horn with diamonds.”  
133. This is called avarice. The man forgets that he will have to leave this world, sooner or later, leaving behind him all his possessions.
134. Have much wealth a man needs? Something to set, something to clothe with, something to have shelter and something for the family. Every thing else is an unnecessary burden.  But one loves to have the burden of wealth.
135. He loves to have a harem.  He loves to have children, grandchildren and great grand children. He wants every one of them to have countless wealth.
136. He has got plenty. But what he has not got is for greater. Then how can he be regarded as a wealthy person?
137. Worries come with wealth. The pleasures of wealth are not free of worries. Pleasures bring pains with them. Unadulterated pleasure is nowhere on this earth. Knowing the evil effects of the wealth, does not deter us worshipping wealth and wealthy.
138.  Knowing that God is without wealth, we pray to him for wealth.
139. Love for wealth is greater than the love for family. Under the garb of helping the family, we leave the family and move to unknown destination, in search of greater wealth.  We move on the earth, we travel on the water.  We journey in air.
140. With all this love for our family, we may not be back with the family. The thirst for wealth is like a fire. It devours everything. Instead of gaining gains, we lose what we have.
141. In the thirst for more, we are led to ignore the love of our family for us.  We cannot derive happiness from the members of the family, even if they are willing to sacrifice all for us. A man with wealth cannot confirm him to one wife.
142. Wise men say, joy is in giving, not in taking.  We ignore these wise men, with loss to us.
143. Let us be contented and happiness will be at our doorstep.

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