Uttarakhand UCC does not apply to Scheduled Tribes. This FAQ explores whether ST who convert should continue to be treated as ST, under Indian laws, or as Jews/Christians/Muslims.
Comparing Indic vs Abrahamic Faiths - A Primer
Briefly know about the different denominations in Christianity. What distinguishes and what unites them.
Know how the Roman Catholic Church views Divorce? Protestants, however allow divorce. Read how Tantra is misrepresented online.
Know origins of Easter and significance of Easter Eggs, Easter Lamp, Hot Cross Bun, The Easter Lamb, Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Passion Week.
Know origin of the celebration of Valentines Day and how has it evolved over time starting the 4th century? Was Valentine a martyr or Bishop? How did Valentine Day cards start? The day became associated with romantic love in the 14th and 15th centuries.
The article remembers Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI’s warnings against Marxism which informs liberation theology.
Know about some Mysteries of Faith in Christianity. Can empirical methods be applied to interrogate these fundamental tenets of their faith? Some mysteries exist in Sanatan Dharma too.
Know about some Mysteries of Faith in Christianity. Can empirical methods be applied to interrogate these fundamental tenets of their faith? Some mysteries exist in Sanatan Dharma too.
Know about the importance of chanting the name of Sri Ram.
The article clears the muck about Tantra, distinguishes between theology and philosophy and shows a demonic being’s response from hell. In Sanatana Dharma hell is a long purgatory and demons can become holy over aeons and through the grace of a sage.
This article appeared in The Herald, the Roman Catholic mouthpiece of the Archdiocese of Calcutta which has been in publication from 1839. The author uses the Roman Catholic theory of ‘inculturation’ to enrich Hinduism. Inculturation is the process where one culture assimilates the good elements of another culture.
An introduction into the life of Bhagwan Birsa Munda and his transformation from an ordinary being into a spiritually evolved one and freedom fighter.