Straight from the heart views of a fourteen year old on rituals, freedom, family tradition, living and Sanatana Dharma.
Know about Gupta kings. In the collective unconscious of India, Vikramaditya symbolised the highest aspirations of national greatness. Why is it considered the Golden Age? How did Vikram Samvat come into being?
Am I a Hindu if I practice Yoga
The article explains the principle of the excluded middle and the Christian concept of God based on which premises, the author makes a case that atheism as a category is irrelevant to Sanatana Dharma.
This is the story of Buddhist Master Atisha who travelled from Bengal to Sumatra in Indonesia to meet his Guru and on return he headed to Tibet. It also has Atisha’s teachings explained simply.
How do you know you are chosen to serve Dharma? How does one deal with practical confusions that may arise? Why it is important for different monastic orders to stay connected?
INDIAN KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS (IKS) Calendar of Year 2023 is a 12 page evidence of the emerging complementarities and symbiosis between the Science of IKS and the Science of the latest breakthroughs in Modern Material Sciences.
Violence against Hindus in Leicester was the effect. What was the cause? Article gives reasons for violence against followers of Dharma. India must, in all matters including sports, benchmark itself with the best in the world, not Pakistan.
This article tells in detail how Democracy worked in ancient India, as stated in the Vedas and Dharma Sastras. Enlightening.
Congress strategy is to increase caste differences and highlight shortcomings in Indian society. These must be challenged & comparisons made with the West. Party’s policy is Divide and Rule like that of the English.
This photo article includes, did followers of Siva and Vishnu fights wars of supremacy, examples of Siva & Vishnu co-existing in TN temples, briefly about Saivism & Vaishnavism And political angle to creating divide.
This article briefly shares six colonial practices that the Higher Judiciary can choose to change.
An Indic solution to Delimitation concerns - thought provoking indeed.
DHARMA in Foreign Policy-Insights from Mahabharata