This essay gives 51 reasons hits and 16 misses of Modi government. It covers Ayurveda, Macro-economics, Policy, National Security, Geopolitics, Education, Inflation, Infrastructure, Culture, Appeasement, Digitization, Make in India etc.
This essay gives 75 hits & 19 misses of Modi government. It includes Foreign Policy, Macro-economics, Inflation, National Security, Infrastructure, Make in India, Education, Culture & Digitization.
Straight from the heart views of a fourteen year old on rituals, freedom, family tradition, living and Sanatana Dharma.
Read about Queen Mallama’s, of Belawadi Karnataka, encounter with the Marathas and sculpture she made in honour of Shivaji. India has many warrior queens.
Uttarakhand UCC does not apply to Scheduled Tribes. This FAQ explores whether ST who convert should continue to be treated as ST, under Indian laws, or as Jews/Christians/Muslims.
Know the importance of Navaratri in Tamil tradition and how it is celebrated in Houston.
This FAQ compares inheritance rights of Hindu and Muslim women. It provides answers to commonly thought questions. Simply, a Hindu woman gets equal share of property, a Muslim gets less. Intent is to inform not provoke.
Know about Hindu girls who suffered like Shraddha, why do such incidents happen, are Hindu girls at fault, why are accused invariably Muslims, is there Fear of law and Way forward.
This photo feature includes what to see in Mandala i.e. Gond Palace, Ma Narmada and a brief history of the Gonds, including brave Queen Durgawati, who are known as Scheduled Tribes today.
A comprehensive account of experiences whilst driving from Pune to Spiti+ lovely pictures, travel and driving tips and how did the Isuzu vehicle perform. See the highest post office in the world & village accessible by road.