Know where NEP20 meets Swami Vivekananda’s ideas on education, observations wr.t. School and Higher education and RKMM role in implementing NEP20.
Know about the life and thoughts of Swami Rama Tirtha. Pranams.
How to become happy per Vedanta? For that know Different Types of Joys, 3 types of Spiritual Joy and Bliss of Joy.
INDIAN KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS (IKS) Calendar of Year 2023 is a 12 page evidence of the emerging complementarities and symbiosis between the Science of IKS and the Science of the latest breakthroughs in Modern Material Sciences.
Comparing Indic vs Abrahamic Faiths - A Primer
The Wadiyar Kings of Mysore, post 1799, made significant contributions in education, industry, aerospace, women empowerment, science, culture, hospitals, primary education and setting up of HAL/IISc. In a way, they laid the foundation for Bengaluru becoming an IT hub.
We look at indian education from a Bharatiya perspective. Education which is deep-rooted in spirituality and allows the mind to grow, where the focus is on experience than repetitive learning.