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1991 Economic Crisis

The BJP and Congress Manifestos represent Two World Views

The BJP and Congress Manifestos represent Two World Views

By Sanjeev Nayyar

The BJP and Congress Manifestos represent Two World Views Read More...

Congress Freebies Could Damage Hard Won Fiscal Success-Its Sums do not add up

Congress Freebies Could Damage Hard Won Fiscal Success-Its Sums do not add up

By Sanjeev Nayyar

Congress Freebies Could Damage Hard Won Fiscal Success-Its Sums do not add up Read More...

FREEBIES are paid for by the common man - could lead to a 1991 type crisis for India

FREEBIES are paid for by the common man - could lead to a 1991 type crisis for India

By Sanjeev Nayyar

FREEBIES are paid for by the common man - could lead to a 1991 type crisis for India Read More...

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