Bundi Step-well

By Sanjeev Nayyar esamskriti108@gmail.com | 2009

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Board of Bundi''s most famous step well (water harvesting body) called Raniji Ki Baori built by Rani Nathawati. It was made in 1699.

The Baori has steps that take you to app 75 feet below ground level. Note the elephants ka carving. Elephant is one of the symbols of Bundi. You will see its everywhere.

A view of the step well taken from a lower level, gives u an idea of its depth.

This is the well, note the depth.

On either side of the entrance are carvings of the 10 avatars (incarnation) of Lord Vishnu.

You see the Varaha avatar of Lord Vishnu.

You see Narsinh avatar of Lord Vishnu.

You see Indra on elephant (not an avatar).

You see Gajalakshmi on lotus flower.

Slightly above the well is Shesh Shahi Vishnu ie Lord Vishnu who is sleeping in the shadow of a snake.

You see Dhabaigka Kund (water body). It is going to be renovated shortly. This kund built between 1821-1889 - 51 feet deep period of Rao Raja Ram Singh. Has palatial room in centre and two Chatris also.

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