In search of the ultimate truth beyond concepts and notions, after 20 years in soulless corporate boardrooms.

Extreme Meditation to test the resolve and tenacity of your brain

Extreme Meditation to test the resolve and tenacity of your brain

By Sanjay Rao

Why does everyone love Varanasi

Why does everyone love Varanasi

By Sanjay Rao

The Yogis have the answer to `the theory of everything`

The Yogis have the answer to `the theory of everything`

By Sanjay Rao

Todai-ji Monastery Amalgamation of Indo Japanese Spirituality

Todai-ji Monastery Amalgamation of Indo Japanese Spirituality

By Sanjay Rao

Zero and Decimal invented to explain the structure of the universe by Yogis

Zero and Decimal invented to explain the structure of the universe by Yogis

By Sanjay Rao

The Limitations of Knowledge from Isa Upanishad- Para 9

The Limitations of Knowledge from Isa Upanishad- Para 9

By Sanjay Rao

Indian Math developed to describe God and the Universe

Indian Math developed to describe God and the Universe

By Sanjay Rao

The deeper symbolic meaning of Ganesha and the message conveyed

The deeper symbolic meaning of Ganesha and the message conveyed

By Sanjay Rao

In Japanese Harmonious blend of Hinduism, Buddhism and Shinto strains in Japan

In Japanese Harmonious blend of Hinduism, Buddhism and Shinto strains in Japan

By Sanjay Rao

Zentory (Zen story)

Zentory (Zen story)

By Sanjay Rao

Harmonious blend of Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto strains in Japan

Harmonious blend of Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto strains in Japan

By Sanjay Rao

Harmonious blend of Hinduism, Buddhism and Shinto strains in Japan

Harmonious blend of Hinduism, Buddhism and Shinto strains in Japan

By Sanjay Rao

Etymology of Samantabhadri, Prajaparamita, Palden Lahmo and Taras names and parallel Hindu Goddesses

Etymology of Samantabhadri, Prajaparamita, Palden Lahmo and Taras names and parallel Hindu Goddesses

By Sanjay Rao

Reinterpreting Dwaita versus Adwaita

Reinterpreting Dwaita versus Adwaita

By Sanjay Rao

What do I gain from meditation

What do I gain from meditation

By Sanjay Rao

The futility and illusion of  logical thought

The futility and illusion of logical thought

By Sanjay Rao

Gautama Buddha points to the weakness of human nature

Gautama Buddha points to the weakness of human nature

By Sanjay Rao

Astrophysics and why mantras are repeated 108 times

Astrophysics and why mantras are repeated 108 times

By Sanjay Rao

Who will save Hinduism

Who will save Hinduism

By Sanjay Rao

Extreme Meditation to test the resolve and tenacity of your brain

Extreme Meditation to test the resolve and tenacity of your brain

By Sanjay Rao

Extreme Meditation to test the resolve and tenacity of your brainRead More...

Why does everyone love Varanasi

Why does everyone love Varanasi

By Sanjay Rao

Why does everyone love Varanasi

The Yogis have the answer to `the theory of everything`

The Yogis have the answer to `the theory of everything`

By Sanjay Rao

The Yogis have the answer to `the theory of everything`Read More...

Todai-ji Monastery Amalgamation of Indo Japanese Spirituality

Todai-ji Monastery Amalgamation of Indo Japanese Spirituality

By Sanjay Rao

Todai-ji Monastery Amalgamation of Indo Japanese Spirituality

Zero and Decimal invented to explain the structure of the universe by Yogis

Zero and Decimal invented to explain the structure of the universe by Yogis

By Sanjay Rao

Zero and Decimal invented to explain the structure of the universe by YogisRead More...

The Limitations of Knowledge from Isa Upanishad- Para 9

The Limitations of Knowledge from Isa Upanishad- Para 9

By Sanjay Rao

The Limitations of Knowledge from Isa Upanishad- Para 9

Indian Math developed to describe God and the Universe

Indian Math developed to describe God and the Universe

By Sanjay Rao

Indian Math developed to describe God and the Universe

The deeper symbolic meaning of Ganesha and the message conveyed

The deeper symbolic meaning of Ganesha and the message conveyed

By Sanjay Rao

The deeper symbolic meaning of Ganesha and the message conveyedRead More...

Astrophysics and why mantras are repeated 108 times

Astrophysics and why mantras are repeated 108 times

By Sanjay Rao

Astrophysics and why mantras are repeated 108 times

Harmonious blend of Hinduism, Buddhism and Shinto strains in Japan

Harmonious blend of Hinduism, Buddhism and Shinto strains in Japan

By Sanjay Rao

Harmonious blend of Hinduism, Buddhism and Shinto strains in JapanRead More...

Gautama Buddha points to the weakness of human nature

Gautama Buddha points to the weakness of human nature

By Sanjay Rao

Gautama Buddha points to the weakness of human nature

The deeper symbolic meaning of Ganesha and the message conveyed

The deeper symbolic meaning of Ganesha and the message conveyed

By Sanjay Rao

The deeper symbolic meaning of Ganesha and the message conveyedRead More...

Etymology of Samantabhadri, Prajaparamita, Palden Lahmo and Taras names and parallel Hindu Goddesses

Etymology of Samantabhadri, Prajaparamita, Palden Lahmo and Taras names and parallel Hindu Goddesses

By Sanjay Rao

Etymology of Samantabhadri, Prajaparamita, Palden Lahmo and Taras names and parallel Hindu GoddessesRead More...

What do I gain from meditation

What do I gain from meditation

By Sanjay Rao

What do I gain from meditation

Who will save Hinduism

Who will save Hinduism

By Sanjay Rao

Who will save Hinduism

The Limitations of Knowledge from Isa Upanishad- Para 9

The Limitations of Knowledge from Isa Upanishad- Para 9

By Sanjay Rao

The Limitations of Knowledge from Isa Upanishad- Para 9

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