The Incorrect Portrayal of Tantra by Online Influencers

  • By Dr. Subhasis Chattopadhyay
  • February 11, 2025
During a Tantric Puja on 7/2/25 inside the Tarapith Mahashamshan.
  • A serious student tells what Tantra teaches, the importance of Baba Batuk Bhairav and  Mata Lona Chamarin.

A famous online influencer, with millions of followers on U Tube, is finally in a soup for perverted remarks about the holiest of all theo-anthropological units: the family unit. This person’s remarks reflect on his own family too; he did all this after destroying Tantra and everything holy about it. He and his minions even have a Tantra App.  


Plus, on his show the whole day is spent talking about evil entities. Someone I know requested him online to desist from such puerility. However, his public relations team deleted the advice. One wishes that had invited another, albeit honest Tantric because to this student of Tantra wherever there is fame; money or the opposite sex; there can be everything but Tantra. 


Tantra cannot be practised without perfect poverty; that is ‘aparigraha’; perfect chastity (often celibacy, or brahmacharya is needed) and total anonymity. 


Especially, Shakta Tantra is good fodder for these YouTubers. Let me give one instance of the insanity that is being peddled as Tantra online. This disgraced YouTuber and his guest has aroused the nation and lakhs of followers to invoke Baba Batuk Bhairav. And in an interview; it is touted that Baba Batuk Bhairav is like a child and hence can be your and everyone else’s Deity of devotion. 


But Tantra teaches otherwise: Baba Batuk Bhairav is invoked specifically in controlling negative forces by an initiated and holy Tantrik. Batuk Bhairav sadhana is not for the uninitiated; this sadhana without proper reason and Guru finally leads to psychoses. Yet in a world gone topsy turvy where discussions about demons sell and God is found to be boring; who will tell anyone the truth for none wishes to hear. The deafening din is of people advising others how to be holy and do Tantric sadhanas.


And remember, if big money is involved anywhere; as a thumb rule; God or anyone holy cannot be there. The rich might justify the coexistence of wealth and sanctity; in real life; as Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa pointed out; rich people cannot be holy. Incidentally, Christ said that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter heaven.

Tantra insists on material poverty. Without material poverty; there cannot be spiritual littleness or, humility. My Gurudeva tells me that I should not think of myself as being more than a homeless dog; undeserving of human glory. While I am not humble; he, my Gurudeva has reached that state of kenosis or, emptying of the sense of ‘I”. 


One of the greatest Tantrics ever was Mata Lona Chamarin; her very name indicates her marginal position, and she was further belittled by gangrape by powerful men in North India. She finally learnt Tantra at Kamakhya, Assam from Ismael Yogi. In passing we note that Gurus have no ethnic identities --- they are women and men for all times and nations. Mata Lona Chamarin remained an unknown figure all her life.


My Gurudeva who had first been initiated into Aghora and had to perform Aghor kriyas on a heart taken from a corpse; was later initiated into Tantra and then, into Vaishnavism. He had got the floating corpse from the Ganges when his Guru, that is, my Guru’s Guru, turned the tide towards him. My Gurudeva wishes to be left undisturbed and has little money and no public exposure. Following his command, I write here and on Roman Catholic sites. Otherwise, I too would have written nothing on Tantra. If one can do no good for our Dharma; why sell it through titillation through simony? 


May those called by the Holy Mother of this and other Universes give up pride in themselves; the desire to acquire money wrongly and the desire to engage in mental or real communion with the opposite sex other than that sanctioned by our Dharma.


Hari Om.


The author is a theologian.


To read all articles by author

To read all articles on Tantra

What Tantra is not


Editor – read including links below and decide for yourself. 


Also read

1. ET report on Ranveerji

2. Talk with R Nandy

3. Pics of Tantric rituals at Tarapith

4. Tantra a much misunderstood path to liberation

5. Vigyan Bhairav Tantra

6. Tantra and Teachings of Kashmir’s Abhinavgupta

7. How to become a Tantric

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