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  • Kapalabhati Techniques in selected Classical and Modern Yoga Texts - A Revisit

Kapalabhati Techniques in selected Classical and Modern Yoga Texts - A Revisit

  • By G S Sahay and R S Bhoglal

Kapalabhati is one of the six cleansing processes described in Hathayoga. Since it is a breathing exercise, therefore, it has found its place also in the book describing Pranayamic exercises (See the book Pranayama by Swami Kuvalayananda). One of the Kumbhaka viz.Bhastrika has been described as combined practice of Kapalabhati and Suryabhedana and in a way, this kumbhaka also contains Kapalabhati as its important component. In order to find the subtleties behind the various techniques of Kapalabhati, the authors have scrutinized selected yoga texts and modern books and tried to present them analytically so that subtle differences in the various techniques of Kapalabhati could be explicitly brought out towards their possible application.

About Authors: G S Sahay and R S Bhoglal. Shri Sahay  - Former HOD, Yoga Mimamsa Department, Kaivalyadhama Ashrama, Lonavla. Shri Bhoglal - Principal, Gordhandas Seksaria College of Yoga and Cultural Synthesis, Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla.

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Article was first published in Yoga-Mimamsa. YM, the quarterly publication of Kaivalyadhama (www.kdham.com), is the oldest (since 1924) peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary research journal on yoga.Yoga Mīmāṃsā (YM), the quarterly publication of Kaivalyadhama (www.kdham.com), is the oldest (since 1924) peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary research journal on yoga. Visit their site www.kdham.com

Article is courtesy and copyright Kaivalyadhama Lonavala, Maharashtra, India.

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