Driving and Health Tips for Ladakh from a 1971 War Veteran

Father Son Duo
  • Based on our experience here are some practical driving tips and how to prepare the body for high altitude trip. And, how the Ladakh trip benefited us!

To read Part 1 i.e. day-wise program


My son Nakuul (+40) and self (+74) drove down in a vintage (just 12 years old) Mahindra Bolero, 4 WD, with manual gearbox, but modified with high-rise axil and radial tyres, on the offbeat track from Srinagar to Leh (away from National Highway-1 which runs west to east from Srinagar to Leh). However, we planned to drive either north or south of NH-1 through the Zanskar region. 

On the Bolero wheel.

Our road trip on the offbeat track was intricately weaved by the crew of Exsul travels. Their Boss, Harmit Singh, behind the lens, was physically present throughout. There were 3 SUVs – in the lead was Harmit with a lady hostess cum photo-videographer, followed by our Bolero with self and Nakuul and the third one was a Gypsy with backup drivers-cum-running errands crew.

With Exsul Travel crew, the guys who planned this wow trip for us. 

With our ever loving back up driver Chaman Lal, man of all seasons. 

It was all about COMMITMENT, PASSION and RESILIENCE to take the road less travelled.


Message from Admiral V.S. Shekhawat, former Chief of Naval Staff:

“Dear Pratap. Drive carefully, stop and enjoy the scenery, keep a handwritten diary, carry enough food, water and medication, spend a night or two at 9/10 thousand feet or higher to acclimatise to altitude, practice deep breathing. It gets very cold for unaccustomed people, so proper warm clothing is essential. Very dry skin, strong winds, extremely sunny, if not cloudy. Use sunscreen lotion. In the hills, weather and roads are big imponderables. Enjoy your trip, good luck.” We followed his advice to the hilt.


The roads in Ladakh interiors are constructed and maintained by Border Roads Organization (BRO). For BRO, work is worship. The roads are makhhan (butter) smooth. In new projects in the interiors, under-construction road lengths were highly bumpy.

Gratitude to Team BRO for building and maintaining roads at such heights.

My Two Bit on Driving Skills 

It was a smart move to drive fast, even though our baggage in dicky was hitting the roof with every bump. With small bumps, at relatively close spacing, driving faster can indeed get the car into a situation where the springs are doing all the work, and the car stays nicely stable. Slowing down might infect induce more car motion, and road sickness, as the dampeners get the car to follow the wheels.


However, the moment the bumps get bigger, you do need to slow down, as there is a limit to how much springs can handle, without forcing the car to move violently. Depending on the speed that bumps press on the springs, the car will behave differently, as the dampeners need time to have effect. By the way suspension has two parts: spring and dampener.


We also experienced a flat tyre. It was fun replacing with spare stepney wheel.


In life, when you think about the dreams you want to achieve, the person you want to be, the values you want to uphold, and the experiences you want to have – a lot depends on how committed are you to making those dreams come true?


Your answer to that question will determine the level of success. Because unyielding commitment is the only guaranteed path to making your dreams come true. The only thing separating the people who achieve their goals from those who don’t is that the achievers never give up.

Curves and curls of a river in Zanskar Valley.

Commitment – Passion – Resilience  

Proud to share no high-altitude mountain sickness (HAMS) was experienced by anyone. Preparation - nothing specific but regular gym and yoga, pranayama and breathing exercises along with mindfull meditation have always been part of our resilient lives. However to be on the safe side, Nakuul and other team members took Tab Diamox to prevent high altitude sickness. Personally, I remained fit without the Diamox, in spite of my son and Harmit insisting. It is about being self-aware.  


There was a daily medical – vitals recording before we went to bed. Appreciate Harmit for including this in the process. Some results as on 11.08.2024 are: Nakuul Mehta (40+): SPO – 96%, HR – 82, BP – 115/85 and myself (74+): SPO – 93%, HR – 86, BP – 131/90. 


I am in my mid-70s and been active all through - running home errands, daily walk, yoga and mindful meditation. Plus, I work full time, even if it is from home, in spite of taking pre-mature retirement from the navy thirty years ago. In my early sixties the body needed attention.


Notwithstanding setbacks in health, my regular practice of mindfulness has empowered me to accomplish my passion - the motivational talks, authoring books and conducting daily online meditation sessions. The soldier in me is still alive so that keeps me going. But the reality is – our bodies wear out, we get tired. It is something that we must accept with respect.

My room at Ladakh Sarai. 


Harmit Singh, the founder of Exsul Travel (@the_freckled_indian with his crew at the fabulous @exsultrave), we made this the most surreal road trip that my son and I could have ever imagined. Rigzin Namgyal, founder of Sarai group of resorts (@rigzinamgyal) who opened his heart and utterly magical places in Purne and Leh to us. The enchanting Tara and Ladakh Sarai (@taramountainsarai @ladakhsarai). 

With Rigzin of Ladakh sarai sporting Mind Retreat Tees. 

My heart continues to be filled with gratitude that my son Nakuul gifted me this road trip and experience of Nichiren Buddhism, which he practices in his daily life. Also sharing my experiences, as a mindful coach and navy veteran, with son Nakuul and the one to one time spent is a memory that both of us will cherish forever.


Eleven days later I hear in his voice more inspiration, determination, and dedication to his dreams and purpose in life.


We were just one of the many father-son teams as mentors on the road trip to Ladakh. Hopefully, this will be a growing trend.


More on this powerful - Mentors on the Road, invite us to talk to you and inspire you and your organisation.


Commander Pratap Mehta is a mind transformation Coach, motivational speaker and Indian Navy Veteran who took part in India Pakistan War of 1971. Nakuul Mehta is a multiple award-winning Indian actor, producer and the star of some of the biggest television shows over the last decade.


Also see albums/read 

1. Palaces of Leh

2. Drive Leh to Kargil

3. Thiksey Monastery

4. Army Goodwill School, Kargil

5. Suru Valley Drive

6. Kargil War Memorial

7. Hall of Fame Leh

8. Star Gazing Ladakh

9. Photography Tour to Zanskar, Ladakh

10. Drive Leh to Zanskar

11. Journey to Phuktal Monastery

12. Tso Morriri Lake

13. Pangong Lake

14. Drive Leh to Manali

15. Siachen Base Camp

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