Save COWS and Protect NATURE

  • By Agniveer
  • September 25 2019
  • agniveer


Agniveer started as an individual effort but is no more so. It is a network of volunteers working in the virtual and real worlds to promote Vedic Dharma.

Majority of the Agniveer leadership are highly educated. Thus, we have experienced professionals, scholars/ faculty from IIT/IIM, Chartered Accountants, Doctor etc.


Agniveer stands for truth, tolerance, compassion and character. Character, non-violence, universal compassion and Satya are our key weapons and we believe that no other weapon is more powerful than these.


Rescue of cows from accidents, slaughter and acid attacks is one of our objectives.


We treat injured cows, bring them to their cow-shelter in Delhi-NCR. Here we run a 24 by 7 helpline for injured cows in Delhi-NCR, Loni, Ghaziabad, Surat, Baroda, Godhra, Dang (Delhi, West UP, Gujarat).


We also distribute free medical kits for local Gau-Sevaks for emergency situations and radium belts for cows so that accidents involving cows on roads/highways can be prevented. We run two Gaushalas, one dedicated to giving shelter to injured cows and another to perform last rites for dead Gaumata/Gauvansh. They also rescue cows from butchers.


To see pictures of our work in cow rescue and rehabilitation

Examples of our work

1. Rescue of Gaumata from a 30ft Barren Well. Our Gaurakshaks put their lives at stake here.  

2. Gaumata almost died after being hit by a truck.

One of India’s most respected Jeev-Rakshak’s is Neha Patel who has saved more than 10,000 cows and animals till date.

Humble Request for Support

1. We need 3 hydraulic ambulances for smooth rescue of injured cows (one in Delhi-NCR and two for Gujarat.)

Cost of each ambulance is Rs 7 lakhs. The Sponsor’s name would appear on vehicle.

Our Trust can receive donations in Indian Rupees only. Donations are exempt under section 80 (G) of the Income-Tax 1961. Receipts will be sent to all donors. Your valuable contribution can be sent here.  
A/C Name: Jan Swabhiman Welfare Society,
A/C No: 000701254577,
Bank: ICICI Bank,
Branch: Connaught Place, New Delhi
IFSC Code : ICIC0000007

You can also contribute via

Once you make the donation please email 

2. Currently we are running an expense of Rs 15-20,000 per day towards transportation, medical expenses, doctors’ fee, medicines, fodder and cow-shelter-Gaushala’s miscellaneous expenses.


This results in a monthly outflow of Rs 4-5 lakhs. Your support towards meeting these expenses would be highly appreciated. Bank details are above.


We invite you visit our website to know more about us. We are committed to protecting Dharma.

Editor – The decision to contribute to this cause is yours. 

Also read

1. Shifting diets for a sustainable future

2. Should Indians eat Beef

3. The truth behind cow slaughter in India

4. Livestock are responsible for 12% of man-made greenhouse-gas emissions, more than the entire aviation industry. GIVE UP Meat for a day

5. TIME MAG 6 High-Protein Foods that are Healthier than Beef  

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