The Bhagwatam Diary 2004

  • By Sri Aurobindo


1. Great sages in pursuit of Truth have been able to discover a number of Yoga paths and propagate them for guiding mankind to liberation. (IV-18-3)

2. The one who follows the foolproof methods established by sages, with full faith will be able to achieve his goal easily in life. (IV-18-4)

3. Lord, I do not desire even for liberation, if it is going to be a state lacking in facilities to imbibe the nectar of your glories flowing from the hearts and mouths of your supernal devotees. Grant me ten thousand ears to enable me to listen to them. (IV-20-24)
4. Conversations between holy men help both the speaker and the listener. The questions and answers at such meetings are for the good of all. (IV-22-19)

5/6. This is the firm conclusion of all scriptures that the only factors which can result in the ultimate good of a man is detachment towards all worldly objects and an unfailing love towards the supreme being. (IV-22-21)

7. The love for God is attained through deep faith, adhering to the path of devotees, being established in the practice of spiritual disciplines, association of holy men and hearing the glories of the Lord. (IV-22-22)

8. One should cultivate love for God by eschewing the company of persons engaged in sensuous pursuits by avoiding the places frequent by them and by resorting to places of solitude. (IV-22-23)

9. Devotion to the Lord is developed by the practice of non-injury, by living like a Paramahansa monk, by spiritual disciplines, by refraining from condemning others, by desirelessness and by forbearance of the pairs of opposites (like pain and pleasure). (IV-22-24)

10. When the love and devotion for God is firmly established under the guidance of a master, the resulting power of knowledge and renunciation burns away the ignorance as also the ego-centre of the individual soul. (IV-22-26)

11. It is through the medium of the mind that one feels the false distinction between the subject (Self) and object (world of objects) etc. (IV-22-28)

12/13. Where the mind of a man is captivated by the external objects and is thinking of those objects, the discriminative capacity of the intellect gets dried up. (IV-22-30)

14. By a continued pre-occupation with wealth and other sensuous objects, a man loses the real human fulfillment. He is also deprived of the spiritual knowledge and experience, which give prominence in life. (IV-22-33)

15. Out of the four ends of life, liberation alone is worth striving for. The rest viz. virtuousness, wealth and enjoyment are all subject to the destructive force of time. (IV-22-35)

16. The human body is not meant for sensuous enjoyments. It is to be used for austerities by which the mind may become pure, enabling me to attain the Infinite Bliss. (V-5-1)

17. Serving the holy persons is a door to liberation. Association with persons interested in opposite sex is the entrance to hell. Holy men are those who are peaceful, even-sighted, never angered and friends of all. (V-5-2)

18. Certainly he is a deluded person who does evil deeds, prohibited in scriptures, for the satisfaction of the senses and the body, which, though unreal, give a lot of miseries and sufferings. (V-5-4)

19/20. So long as one does not resort to enquiring about the Truth regarding the Self, one will continue to have defeat. The mind will induce such a person to continue doing actions resulting in getting a body again and again in various births. (V-5-5)

21. So long as a man is negligent in attaining life’s purpose and is thus unaware of the nature of the Self, he will continue to seek delight in the sex-dominated life and will be subject to sufferings. (V-5-7)

22. The intimacy caused by the attraction between opposite sexes results in a knot in the heart, there from springs the delusion of ‘I’ and ‘mine’ with regard to house, son, friends, wealth etc. (V-5-8)

23. The knot in the heart can be removed by serving an enlightened master, devotion to the Lord, forbearance, desirelessness, austerity, self-enquiry and by realizing that suffering is one’s lot in this world. (V-5-10)

24. The knot can be removed by dedicating all acts to the Lord, chanting and hearing Lord’s glories, seeking the company of His devotees, cultivating an equal vision with enmity to none and by renouncing the identification with the body and house. (V-5-11)

25. The knot in the heart can be removed by spiritual disciplines, resorting to solitude, by controlling the mind and senses, faith in the lord, continence, eternal vigilance and restraints over speech. (V-5-12)

26/27. The knot of the ego can be removed by perceiving the Lord’s presence everywhere, knowledge gained through practice and by pursuit of the path with perseverance and effort. (V-5-13)

28. After having severed the knot of I-sense born of ignorance and leading to actions through the guidance of the master, one can refrain from further spiritual sadhana (practice). (V-5-14)

29. The ignorant man, being blind to his own best interests, acquires objects of enjoyment. In that process, he suffers endlessly and develops enmity with others – all for a petty enjoyment. (V-5-16)

30. A master, a friend, a parent or a consort (wife or husband) ceases to have any claim to the appellation as a master, father etc. if he or she fails to save a person heading towards his or her spiritual suicide. (V-5-18)

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