How to do Thoppukaranam, Super Brain Yoga

  • By Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi
  • December 2 2019
  • Article tells how to do Thoppukaranam, written as matter and video

In an earlier article the Indian origins of Super Brain Yoga were explained. This article tells about the technique of doing Thoppukaranam, in matter and video.



1. Stand erect with your feet slightly apart so that you have a good sense of stability and balance.

2. Let your hands rest by your sides and perform a few rounds of slow and deep breathing to centre yourself.

3. Raise your right hand and catch hold of your left earlobe with the thumb on the back and the forefinger on the front of the earlobe.

4. Raise your left hand and catch hold of your right earlobe in a similar manner with the thumb on the back and the forefinger on the front.

5. You can choose to keep your eyes open to maintain balance or close them to make the practice more introspective.

6. Take in a slow deep breath while in the standing position.

7. Breathe out with an explosive “whoosh” and go down rapidly to the squatting position (utkat asana) as you exhale fully.

8. Alternatively you can perform the half squat (ardha utkat asana) if you are not able to do the full one.

9. Try to keep your torso as erect as possible throughout the practice so that the energy can flow in a seamless manner.

10. As you take in the next breath, come back up to the standing position letting the breath “lift you” upwards.

11. Perform half a dozen rounds of the practice at each session.

12. Over time, as your endurance builds up, you can extend it to a dozen rounds at each session for maximum benefit.

13. After completing the practice relax in the standing position with your arms by sides.

14. Keep your eyes closed and breathe in a slow and deep manner.

15. Enjoy the integrative connectivity that has been enhanced across your right and left brain hemispheres.

Author and Yogacharya demonstrates Thoppukaranam, the original Super Brain Yoga. To see 2.33 minutes video or read on.

Three key benefits are: Enhances attention memory and learning, Integrates right and left brain functions, Enables quick response to all challenges in daily life. To know more about left and right brain see Yoga and Memory Power presentation.

Precautions: Avoid in elderly who have mobility issues, Cardiac and Hernia patients should avoid. Modified versions with half squat and with support can be done if desired. In case of any doubt or uneasiness please consult your doctor immediately.

Note: The general rule in Yoga is that we breathe in as we lift up and breathe out as we lower in any practice. This prevents unhealthy pressure from building up in the abdominal and pelvic areas. If you are uncomfortable with the “whooshing”, you may do the practice with a gentle exhalation too but the benefits will not be the same.

Presentation Yoga and Memory Power: Principles and Practice. Slide 12 is on Thoppukaranam, 16 is on left and right brain traits.

Author is Director CYTER and Professor Yoga Therapy, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry,

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