Dosha Balance with Aromatherapy-Which Essential Oils to Use

  • Know about the elements and symptoms of the three Doshas in Ayurveda. And which Essentials Oils can help you balance each of the three doshas.

Aromatherapy has been a part of our culture for a long time because our smelling capability is ten thousand times more sensitive than our taste. It makes a remarkable impression on your brain and also balances your doshas.


Ayurveda says that our body is made of three doshas that also control our health and overall functioning. Aromatherapy can help in balancing these doshas for proper functioning. In this article, you will explore the three doshas and discover the best essential oils for balancing each dosha.


The Three Doshas

Derived from the five elements of nature — air, water, fire, space, and earth — there are three doshas in our bodies:


1. Vata

Elements: Space and air

Symptoms of imbalance: Constipation, skin dryness, joint pain, anxiety, asthma, and insomnia


The Vata dosha can be recognized by qualities such as wiry, high-strung, airy, fragile, brittle, flighty, dry, cold, and windy. This dosha is evident in your abdominal area like the pelvis and colon as well as your skin, thighs, ears, nervous system, brain, and lungs.


Elements: Water and fire

Symptoms of imbalance: Skin rashes, anger, inflammation, acidity, diarrhoea, fever, increased thirst and hunger, and increased heat in the body


You can say your Pitta dosha is high if you are a dynamic individual with a high temperament, sharp, bold, a quick learner, and have a strong desire to succeed. This dosha controls the digestive system and metabolism and heat in your body to process your sensory perceptions.


3. Kapha

Elements: Earth and water

Symptoms of imbalance: Weight gain, lethargy, sinus congestion, strength loss, runny nose, and poor appetite


The Kapha dosha is characterized by good stamina, a calm nature, deep sleep, smooth skin, and a large body frame. This dosha monitors your body structure and holds all the body cells that form fat, muscles, and bones together.


Aromatherapy for Dosha Balance

To balance your doshas, you can try out aromatherapy. This therapy is a holistic practice that focuses on using plant extracts in the form of essential oils.


With aromatherapy, you can promote psychological, emotional, and physical well-being. It can also play a powerful role in balancing all three doshas and restoring harmony. Different essential oils carry different aromas and properties that help regulate your emotions, stimulate your mind, and calm your nerves. Some essential oils even calm your over stimulated mind to help you sleep better and some of them help your mind prepare for yoga and meditation.


Each fragrance of an essential oil will affect the different doshas in your body. Keep reading to find out what essential oils help in balancing which doshas.


Best Essential Oils for Balancing Vata Dosha

The properties of the Vata dosha include dry, airy, cold, and mobile. Hence, to treat the imbalance in this dosha, you need essential oils that are warm, heavy, and calming. Below is a list of all the essential oils to balance the Vata dosha in your body:


1. Lavender essential oil

2. Bergamot

3. Ginger

4. Rosemary essential oil

5. Lemon balm

6. Neroli

7. Myrrh

8. Patchouli

9. Sandalwood


Hem Fragrances offers a range of aromatic blends, including lavender and rosemary, which are excellent for those with a Vata imbalance.


Best Carrier Oil: Cold-pressed avocado or sesame oil.

Best Application Format: Warm oil massage, diffuser, steam bath.


Best Essential Oils for Balancing Pitta Dosha

Pitta dosha is hot in nature. To balance it, choose essential oils with cooling, calming, and drying properties. Below are the essential oils that can effectively balance your Pitta dosha:


1. Lemongrass essential oil

2. Cedarwood

3. Blue chamomile

4. Fennel

5. Lavender

6. Jasmine

7. Neroli

8. Sandalwood

9. Rose

10. Peppermint

11. Spearmint

12. Tea tree


Best Carrier Oil: Olive oil, coconut oil, or sunflower oil


Best Essential Oils for Balancing Kapha Dosha

The Kapha dosha is led by qualities such as grounded, cool, heavy, slow, oily, and clouded. To balance the imbalance of Kapha dosha, you will need essential oils that are strong, uplifting, stimulating, pungent, and warm, such as:

1. Eucalyptus essential oil

2. Black pepper

3. Grapefruit

4. Sage

5. Rosemary

6. Pine

7. Cedarwood

8. Musk

9. Camphor

10. Patchouli

11. Bergamot.


Best Carrier Oil: Neutral and light oils such as flaxseed oil, mustard oil, or sunflower oil


While this guide highlights essential oils to help balance your doshas, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Scents are deeply personal and complex, catering to every individual differently. Hence, pay close attention to how certain scents make you feel for more effective usage.

Also note that while essential oils are a great way to balance your doshas, you shouldn’t just rely on those solely to even things out. Other necessary things to take care of are your diet and lifestyle. So be mindful!

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