EYE Care in Ayurveda

  • By Dr. K. Devikrishnan
  • December 2, 2024
  • In today’s smartphone world taking care of the eyes is important. Author tells how we can improve eyesight through diet and other traditional ways. 

The eyes are considered to be the most important organ in the body. In the current scenario, the usage of electronic gadgets is very high, the screen time is uncontrolled, and it can’t be avoided. Continuous usage is the main problem, and it affects the vision seriously.

The refractive errors include nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), astigmatism, and presbyopia, which occur between 40 and 50 years (unable to read words in a book). The above refractive errors can be corrected by glasses.


Dry eyes can happen when the eye can’t make tears. This condition occurs due to long looking at computers, certain diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, blepharitis, allergy and antihistamine medications, sleeplessness and antidepressant modern medicines, using contact lenses, modern medicines for cardiac problems, hypertension, etc.


Macular degeneration usually occurs in elderly persons. It affects the central part of the retina, the macula, which helps in fine vision. Straight lines look wavy, gradual loss of ability to see objects and, if not treated properly, vision loss will be the result.


Cataract is the most common eye problem affected by people, irrespective of age. In this clouding of the lens is occurred. We can delay the progress of the disease by using ayurvedic medicaments.


This article was first published on Aryavaidyasala.com


Types of cataracts

1.    Senile-according old age condition.

2.    Due to diabetes, hypoparathyroidism.

3.    Due to deficiency of Vitamin B2, Vitamin C.

4.    Traumatic.

5.    After cataract surgery.

6.    Due to intraocular tumors.

7.    Due to myopia.

8.    Detachment of retina.

9.    Due to glaucoma.

10. Due to overuse of corticosteroids.

Eyes are the most important organ not only functionally but also diagnostically. So many disease conditions are reflected in the eyes.

In macular disorders, eyes are difficult to open. 

Deficiency of Vitamin B1 leads to diseases of conjunctiva.

Vit B2 deficiency causes eye diseases like keratitis.

Bleeding and exophthalmia occur in the eyes due to a deficiency of vitamin C.

Due to a deficiency of vitamin A, night blindness may happen. In diseases of the kidneyeye oedema is seen.

Diabetic retinopathy

People with diabetes can have a disease called diabetic retinopathy. In this the blood vessels in the retina are damaged by high blood sugar level. Initially no symptoms occur, if the blood sugar is not controlled blood vessels in retina bleeds and the vision is affected seriously


This eye disease damages the optic nerve. When fluid increases in the front part of the eye, the extra fluid increases the eye pressure and it damages the optic nerve.

Some peculiar symptoms are described in certain disease conditions in Ayurveda.

In Raktapitta (bleeding disease), eyes are red, yellow, or green in color.

In Kshtakasa (cough due to trauma in the lungs), eyes are glittering and have a radiant look.

In the features of Pittaja Kasa (Cough), yellow coloration of eyes is seen.

Black color of eyes in Vataja arsas (Hemorrhoides). Oedema of eyes seen in Arsas.

In Prameha (diabetes), thickening of the eyes is a symptom.

In aggravated Ardhavabhedaka (headache on half of the head), the eyesight is destroyed.

In Ardita disease, loss of movement of the eyes and one eye is closed.

In Thimira (Cataract), the person sees the objects as though covered, unsteady, slightly red, dirt, and sees webs, hairs, and rays of light in front of his eyes.

According to the Ayurvedic classical text Ashtangahridaya, Pitta dosha gets increased from consuming food items that are very pungent, sour and salty, penetrating, very hot, and cause severe burning sensations during digestion. The above unhealthy food habits for a prolonged time are the main causes for eye diseases. Aggravated pitta dosha localized in eyelids, joints, white portion, black portion pupil, and whole eye.

Diet for improving vision

The following food items, like Milk, fish, eggs, nuts, carrots, grapes, leafy vegetables, ghee, etc., must be included in the diet for improving the vision.

Ayurvedic medications for eye care

Let us find some ayurvedic medicaments that are useful in diseases of the eye and to protect the health of the eyes. These medicines are prescribed by Ayurvedic doctors according to the disease condition.

1. Jivantyadighrita

2. Mahatiktakaghrita

3. Tiktakaghrita

4. Mahatraiphalaghrita

5. Patoladighrita

6. Traiphalaghrita

7. Guggulutiktakaghrita

8. Pathyakshadhatryadi kashayam

9. Dhanadanayanadikashayam

10. Saptamritalauham Tablet

11. Triphala tablet

12. Triphalaguggulu tablet

13. Triphaladichurnam

14. Elaneerkuzhampu

15. Nayanamritamkuzhampu

16. Netramritam

17. Kachayapanamkuzhampu

18. Kayannyadikeratailam

19. Triphaladikeratailam

20. Tenginpushpaditailam

21. Asanavilvaditailam


Daily oil massage on the head and feet, regular exercise, yoga, and nutrient food items are necessary for clear vision.


Upavasa, Virechana, Sirovasthi, Nasya, Aschyothana,Seka, Anjana, Tharppana, Putapakaetc. are the treatment procedures  in eye diseases according to the conditions. The above-mentioned treatments are done under the close supervision of qualified Ayurveda doctors.


Author is Chief Sub Editor, CTSP, Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal


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This article was first published on Aryavaidyasala.com. eSamskriti has obtained permission to share.


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