DHARMA for the Judiciary

  • By Prabha Sridevan
  • October 14 2019


The logo of the Supreme Court is, ‘Where there is Dharma, there will be victory’.

This article covers The Feeling of Oneness, Judge’s Qualities (as given in the Bhagavad Gita), Rule of Law, Substantive Equality, Respect Women and Judiciary Impartial. 

“Draupadi can never be equated with Duschassana. Article15 of the Constitution is about gender justice and gender equality. We have the oft-quoted Manu dictum which says where women are worshipped, there the gods are happy.”

The author is a retired judge of the Madras High Court.

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This article was first published in the November 2014 issue of Tattvaloka, the Splendour of Truth. Tattvaloka is published under the aegis of the illustrious 9th century Sringeri Sri Sharada Peetham, and the Jagadguru Sri Sankaracharya of Sringeri. This article is courtesy and copyright Tattvaloka (http://www.tattvaloka.com/) You can subscribe online at http://www.tattvaloka.com/buy-online . Cost is Rs 496/ for one year (12 monthly issues) print, Rs 1,390 for three years, Rs 11,900 for Lifetime subscription.

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