Energy infrastructure requires huge investments and takes time to build. Mistakes made today show up five, seven, or even ten years later. The sector is also mired in geo-politics. Powerful financial interests influence decisions as we saw in the previous two UPA governments. Therefore, those in Modi’s strategy group should analyse the geo-political constraints carefully, generate various strategic options, do proper long-term financial analysis for each, and then select the best option with full understanding of the current state of technology.
Review of past energy decisions
During NDA1 [1999-2004] Vajpayee wanted 50,000 MW installed capacity of hydro, and the balance demand gap to be met by coal and nuclear. UPA1&2 never had an energy policy. The so called ‘policy’ was actually driven by coal, hydro and nuclear lobbyists. No attention was paid to transmission and distribution [T&D] which is more important than adding generation capacity. More significantly, not a single Government paper can be found with objective analysis of technological options for long term energy security. Four important omissions and commissions of UPA were:
1] Failure to review the nuclear option following Fukushima meltdown. Can this Government answer simple questions as (a) the cost of cleanup in case of a similar accident in India, (b) the extent of primary contamination zones which will require relocation of population, (c) government’s liability, which is eventually tax-payers’ liability, (d) can we, since the Prime Minister has promised a transparent government, expect the nuclear industry to be freed from the mysterious shroud of the Official Secrets Act? Why should India’s civilian nuclear industry operate under OSA? And one final question (e) what is the extent of radiological contamination from NARORA Nuclear Power Plant that uses Ganges water as coolant and then releases radioactive hot water back into the river? We just want honest answers to these five questions. It is never too late to correct the mistakes of former governments.
2] Failure to review intensive exploitation of Himalayan waters for hydro-electricity. India simply cannot, and should not, trust World Bank, ADB, USAID and international agencies to perform technology appraisal and funding strategy. Their one point agenda is to trap India in toilet paper dollar debt and saddle it with unsustainable options. As of now, around 15 projects in Himachal Pradesh are stuck at various courts including the Green Tribunal because of violations of various protective provisions, many of these vetted and funded by the international funding agencies.
In that state each project authority, public or private, has violated major provisions of the Environment Protection Act and Forest Act. Not one project authority prepared Environment Impact Assessment [EIA], Environment Management Plan [EMP] or Disaster Management Plan [DMP] which should collectively form the basis of investment decision. NEERI, an asylum for deadwoods, did a cut-and-paste job, key ministries signed their approval on the dotted lines. These projects have caused irreversible damage to the fragile ecosystem.
Tehri Dam is a classic example in which sons and daughters of powerful IAS/PSU officers without any competence were producing hundreds of reports and paid crores of rupees. These “consultants” had no training in data analysis or even report writing. This is an extremely serious matter. It is time that a multi-stakeholder team undertakes detailed review of Himalayan hydro-projects. The death and destruction from natural disaster in Uttarakhand was accentuated by the rapacious damming of every river and its tributaries. Kinnaur district is devastated from crude tunnelling methods, over concentration of large projects in this highly seismic zone. The sheer scale of the disaster is documented here: Click here to view
3] Failure to reduce Transmission and Distribution [T&D] losses which stood at 24% in 2013. Do we know, has any government, ever, in the past 70 years revealed generation, transmission, and distribution costs? What investment would be required to upgrade T&D infrastructure to world class? I think the BJP Government should upgrade T&D system before starting up the 20,000 MWe of dormant capacity. One can’t pump 20,000 MW per hour into a tottering national grid without serious consequences and that is basic electricity management strategy.
4] Failure to appraise available renewable technology options. Of the fourteen energy sources, six are classified as finite [oil, gas, shale, bitumen, coal and uranium], two are classified as intermediate [peat and geothermal], major perpetual include hydro-power, wind, solar, tidal, wave and ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC). No scientist in India challenged the notions of ‘finite’, intermediate and major perpetual. Electricity from eight renewable resources can be generated at comparable or lower cost with ‘finite sources’ provided ‘costs’ are estimated rationally at current level of knowledge. A far more fundamental question is this: Is energy a finite resource? Nikola Tesla proved that energy is a natural resource that can be tapped and used at little or no cost as air or water; that’s why his lab was bombed and his career destroyed.
The false “fossil fuels” theory
Most importantly, and this is crucial, how many scientists and analysts have questioned the spurious fossil fuel theory of oil, gas and coal? Not found or met any in India, sadly.
Scientific theory determines technological options. Why do we still ‘believe’ that oil, gas and coal came from decomposition of organic matter from some cataclysmic event in the hoary past that buried forests and animals, perhaps humans, who now appear in the form of oil, gas and coal? If this theory is correct, we should be able to calculate the number of dead Godzilla or humans required to produce a barrel of oil. Such experiments have been done and scientists concluded that fossils are not required for oil, gas or coal.
Petroleum science was first studied by the Russian Mikhailo Lomonosov in 1757. With basic observational and rudimentary analytical skills he concluded that coal, oil and gas are formed by biological detritus. His theory was challenged and proved wrong by Russian and French scientists in the mid-19th century, approximately the time that the oil era starts. The modern Russian-Ukrainian theory of deep, abiotic petroleum origin was first propounded by Nikolai A. Kudryavtsev at the 1951 All-Union Petroleum Geology Congress. Kudryavtsev proved that petroleum does not have biological origin. He was joined by other Russian and Ukrainian geologists like PN Kropotkin, KA Shakhvarstova, GN Dolenko, VF Linetskii, VB Porfir’yev, and KA Anikiev.[1] Western adherence to fossil theory of oil was used for oil geo-politics and fleecing consumers worldwide.
The Russian-Ukrainian abiotic theory correctly explains the origin of oil, gas, and coal. The theory was revolutionary in that oil and gas could be found almost anywhere on the planet. During World War II Stalin realized that American, British, and French were not going to allow the Russians to operate either in West Asia or in the petroleum producing areas of Africa, Indonesia, Burma, Malaysia, or anywhere in Latin America. That geo-political reality forced the Soviets to develop technology based on abiotic theory and they have discovered and developed massive oil and gas reserves within the then USSR and now whatever is left as Russia.
When Deepwater Horizon blew up in the Gulf of Mexico [Macondo prospect in Mississippi Canyon, Block 252], the Peak Oilists had no explanation based on their fossil theory of oil. The pressure at which oil was coming up was so high that it took British Petroleum [BP] 87 days to contain it. BP was drilling 5.6 kilometres below the sea level in about 1.6 kilometre of deep water, or 7.2 kilometres deep. [2] Is there any geological evidence of sunken Godzilla community converted to oil in the Mexican Gulf? If sunken Godzilla got converted to oil why only under 7 kilometres under the Mexican Gulf? If Gondwanaland’s Godzillas all sank, oil should be found everywhere and not only in the ‘preferred zones’ of Western Oil companies.
The first major project outside Russia was in India in 1983 (Indira Gandhi’s time) to openly exploit and showcase their ultra-deep drilling technology and oil production from basalt rock to the world. A large rig was scheduled to drill in the Ganges Delta to nearly seven kilometres deep to get to ultra deep oil – exactly what Deep Horizon was doing in the Gulf in 2010. The oil well Bodra No. 3 was supervised by drillers and scientists from the Moscow Institute of Drilling. The project was scuttled but not one newspaper reported why. In 1973 (also Indira Gandhi’s time), the global fraud of petro-dollar was enforced on the world. I remember distinctly that cars went off India’s highways. Get the drift? We’ve never had a staunchly nationalist government who could stand up to the western slave traders.
Should India allow fraudsters like Rothschild and Rockefeller oil and banking cartels to define our national scientific work and strategies for energy security? Are we still West’s slaves? Russia issued a warrant of arrest against Rothschild.
The racket of peak oil and peak energy and peak everything was started by three very convincing shills: Richard Heinberg [a journalist], Dr Colin Campbell [Oil Geologist, who created the Association for the Study for Peak Oil or ASPO in Ireland and invited me twice to their annual convention], and Michael Ruppert [former police officer, committed suicide this year]. A dozen financial analysts joined them to create the Peak Oil high decibel ensemble.
The initiative was allegedly backed by big oil with the sole purpose of creating a global fear of massive energy shortages and laying the ground for global resource wars. The peak oilists unashamedly made millions of dollars selling a false paradigm and gained fame. Campbell’s team had high quality data on every oil and gas field around the world, on proved reserve, extraction rate, and depletion rate. At US$ 33,000 per copy, the report was priced out of the affordability of independent researchers, but he was kind enough to share vital data on South Asia when I was working on a sponsored study on energy issues and I am grateful to him for this gesture.
It is true that oil wells tend to follow a bell shaped curve peaking when extraction crosses roughly 50% of the reserve, known as Hubbert’s Peak/curve, but it has also been observed that once the well is closed down, it starts to fill up. This fact has been consistently denied by Peak Oil proponents, but never properly studied.
Fossil theory was used to formulate a military strategy that would deny access to oil and gas reserves in the main producing regions to nations that did not submit to the will of the Western powers. If a nation does not get access to oil and gas it can’t defend itself, forget about fighting an offensive war. Peak oil theory rests on the fossils of western intellect, science and technology. Enslaved media bombarded the European and American mind forcing them into a mind-lock that locked the modern westernised and fossilised Indian intellect, science and technology as well.
The Deep Horizon disaster was the red herring. Drums of “FOSSIL FUEL” and “PEAK EVERYTHING” have been silent since then. Is there shortage of energy or even strategic minerals and metals? Anything?
If so, what did Tesla tell us and why is fusion technology now being perfected in small garages around the world? A 14-year-old school student came up with a safe working model of cold fusion energy generation. It was actually a nuclear reactor ticking in his father’s garage. [3] Cold fusion is something we have been hearing about since 1980s. Indian scientists were as far advanced as any western scientist, but not one was encouraged to produce a prototype. Many enthusiasts have developed working models in their backyards, just as the young lad Taylor Wilson.
Is there shortage of anything in this world, except that the European Elite who control the USA and much of the world do not want any country to develop any science and technology that undermines their global resource empire? Queen Elizabeth (less said the better) controls uranium mines and so Manmohan Singh ritually genuflected to nuclear energy. That was his obeisance to the Cosmic Queen whose Earthly bank was fined by Her Majesty’s Government for illegal drug money laundering. [4]
Essentially, India needs to get its science right. How long should jokers shilling for the Anglo-American zionist manipulators of science be allowed to perpetuate our enslavement with spurious energy science? In every science, too. If abiotic theory is correct, as it seems to be, India needs a major exploration effort on land and sea. This would free India from dependence on imported energy and the arbitrary oil and gas price fixing by India’s own top bureaucrats and political leaders in cahoots with London dealers and European banksters.
Assessment of technological options for electricity
There is now a global consensus that we need advanced, eco-friendly, more efficient, less polluting, safer, affordable energy technologies. The technological options are many; tested and tried solutions are available. So, how should India under a patriotic Prime Minister assess the energy options?
Here is a simple suggestion. As far as electricity is concerned, we need objective and ruthlessly dispassionate appraisal of all technological options on nine parameters. [1] relative cost of generation from various fuel sources [levelised cost of electricity, LCOE], [2] Capital expenditure over project life cycle [CAPEX, maintenance cost, and Energy Payback Ratio], [3] average down time [optimum capacity factor over the lifecycle], [4] land requirement [we simply can’t afford massive relocation and rehabilitation for nuclear plants, coal mines and hydro-electric power plants], [5] pollution potential, environmental impact, climate change potential, and cost of mitigating measures, [6] probability of plant failure and estimates of compensation to victims and remedial measures, [7] decommissioning cost [a nuclear plants’ decommissioning cost is nearly as much as building cost], [8] waste management cost, and [9] estimates of displacement and capital cost of resettlement and rehabilitation [R&R]. All these are quantifiable, appropriate weights can be assigned to each indicator and a composite indexing of relative costs model can be done.
Assessment of technological options for diesel and petrol
This issue makes me hang my head in shame at the perversity of science and technology in India. Let us take cars, the mechanical contraption that helps us reach point B from point A. The first cars were designed to run on vegetable oil. Rudolf Diesel, after whom diesel oil is named, ran his cars on biofuel. Pogue carburettor, patented in 1935, could give 100 miles to a gallon of petrol. That technology was killed by the Rockefellers because they wanted to sell more oil. [5]
The best source of oil was hemp oil and the strongest cars ever made were from hemp fibre. That was the main reason why hemp was demonised and growing hemp made illegal in one of the most perverse decisions of a US Commissioner at the instance of big money and still enforced around the world. Watch this video on Henry Ford’s hemp oil run hemp car. [6] “Kestrel” made almost entirely of hemp will soon be in the Indian market. [7]
Volkswagen is marketing a model that gives 261 miles per gallon, roughly 417 kilometres to a gallon or over 100 kilometres per litre. It was initially banned in the USA. Why shouldn’t these cars be exempted from tax and manufacturers encouraged to make them in India from biological materials? [8] Why can’t Indian engineers design and build a 100% indigenous hemp automobile, tractors, buses and trucks? What stops them? The technology is available on the Internet. That kid Taylor Wilson accessed and self-taught cold fusion technology, and built a nuclear plant in his father’s garage.
Philosophy of technology: make life easy for the people
In a conference of engineers in England, their President asked “what is the philosophy of technology?” The participants were baffled; none had an answer. He explained: “technology either does things for us or makes things for us with the proviso that technology must make life easy for the people.” [quoting from memory]
Let us hope that our patriotic Prime Minister makes life easier for us.
1. J. F. Kenney- ‘An introduction to the modern petroleum science, and to the Russian-Ukrainian theory of deep, abiotic petroleum origins.’ Russian Academy of Sciences - Joint Institute of The Physics of the Earth. Gas Resources Corporation, 11811 North Freeway, Houston, TX 77060, U.S.A.
3. See this short video:
First published Click to view