9 Reasons Why Students Should Study Philosophy

  • By Odessa Powell
  • January 9, 2023
  • Benefits of studying philosophy simply and practically explained.

Have you ever wondered why we need to learn philosophy? It can help us understand how we came here, our purpose, and how we should live. This article will consider the nine reasons to start diving into this study. Keep on reading!

1. Philosophy will help you understand things better

Humans tend to be creatures of habit, and we often want things to be a certain way. It is especially true regarding our beliefs about right, wrong, and true. As a result, people often need help to change their minds when presented with new ideas or evidence that shows them they need to be corrected.

Philosophy examines the world from different perspectives and looks at things from different angles. As a result, it can help us see things in a new light that we would never have considered before.

2. Philosophy makes you wonder

Philosophy is not a science, but it does involve asking questions and trying to find answers about the world and our place in it.

Philosophy makes you wonder about things like:

What is the meaning of life?

How can we be good people?

What does it mean to be happy?

The word philosophy comes from two Greek words: philein, which means 'to love,' and Sophia, which means 'wisdom.' So a philosopher is someone who loves wisdom and wants to understand how the world works. The Indian equivalent for philosophy is Darsana and means something different.

3. You will learn why you believe what you believe

Philosophy teaches us how to think about our world and ourselves clearly and rationally. It encourages us to think deeply and carefully to reach conclusions about them.

Philosophy considers general and fundamental problems connected with reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. It boasts many great minds, the philosophers, who offer their visions described in various volumes. Philosophy is distinguished from other ways of addressing such problems by its critical, generally systematic approach and reliance on rational argument.

4. Philosophy makes you a better debater

But there's a more profound answer as well: philosophy helps us become better thinkers because it teaches us to think more deeply about things and look at things from new perspectives.

It is something that every good debater needs to learn how to keep an argument going when their opponent runs out of statements or tries to change the subject away from what they were initially talking about (which happens all the time). In other words, if you're good at debating, you're also likely good at asking questions and noticing logical mistakes.

5. Philosophy teaches you to be skeptical

The practice of skepticism can be traced back through human history as far as ancient Greece and India. Still, it was in the 17th century that it became a formalized intellectual discipline. The word "skeptic" comes from the Greek word skeptikos, meaning "inquirer" or "searcher after knowledge."

One of the earliest known skeptics was Socrates (470-399 BCE), who taught his students that they didn't know anything, so they should never make claims about what they knew and didn't know.

6. Philosophy educates us on different flows and approaches

The question of how philosophy educates us on different flows and approaches has a complex answer. It is a complex issue that can be addressed from many angles.

One way to approach this question is to look at how philosophy has been used in different fields of knowledge, such as the natural sciences and humanities. Trust My Paper, a custom writing service admits that in the natural sciences, philosophers have often been involved in debates over fundamental questions such as whether there are laws of nature or whether science can explain everything.

In the humanities, there have been discussions about what makes something good or beautiful and how we should live our lives. These different approaches have given rise to several schools of thought within these fields.

7. Philosophy will make you more self-confident

You might be wondering how this is possible, but the fact is that it is. The reason for this is that philosophy helps you to understand yourself better.

It makes sense if you think about it. If we don't know who we are, then it's tough to feel confident in ourselves. It is especially true when we talk about our value as human beings, which many of us have trouble with.

8. Philosophy teaches discipline in your thoughts and speech

Philosophy is a way of life, a way of thinking, and a way of being. It can be used to help us achieve peace of mind and happiness. Philosophy teaches us to think about our lives and the world around us. It teaches us how to speak with wisdom and eloquence. It teaches us how to conduct ourselves in such a way as to make the world a better place for everyone.

It teaches us that we are here for a purpose - that there is meaning in our lives (even though we may not fully understand it yet). It shows us how we can improve our lives by understanding what makes us and other people happy. It teaches us to be kinder towards others, listen more effectively, forgive those who have hurt us, and forgive ourselves when we've done something wrong or made mistakes.

9. Learning philosophy will help you have a better critical mind

That's the advice of William O. Stephens, a philosophy professor at the University of Kansas. Stephens argues that learning how to argue is essential — but so is learning how to argue well. The latter requires more than just knowing how to construct an effective argument; it also requires developing your critical thinking skills and understanding of different types of ideas.

"The goal is not to win arguments, but to learn from them," Stephens writes in his book How to Argue: What Aristotle Intended by 'Sophistical Refutations.' "To learn from them, we must recognize when others are right or wrong."

We hope we inspire you to keep learning philosophy, a fascinating field of study. Good luck!

Also read

1. Characteristics of Indian Philosophy

2. Characteristics of Western Philosophy

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