- Stories
are about How did Mahavishnu get the Sudarshan Chakra, Tripurantaka is a form
of Shiva and reason behind Shiv ji consuming bhaang.
In 2019 we presented 12 articles on stories of Bharat, all written by author. Story eleven and links from 1-12 can be viewed here
Why did I start writing these Stories?
a mother of three I have realized that many children are deprived of hearing
tales that are Indian in origin. This could be for various reasons, an
important one being that parents themselves do not know these tales.
desire to learn English and about Western Nations meant that atleast two
generations were fed tales from the West namely Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella,
etc. Because of this when you ask a child to write an essay of their favourite
character they will write about Santa Claus and Snow White but not Shivaji.
I took it upon myself to write short stories about India’s cultural heritage.
The stories have been written in such a way that they can be read to children.
At the same time I added snippets of our culture, rituals, shlokas, food, etc.
so that children get to know about them. Must add that these stories are not
meant to be scholarly pieces of work.
How MAHAVISHNU got the Sudarshan Chakra

knows Mahadev (Shiva) as a great Tapasvi. He is always doing Tapas
(Meditation). Do you know whose name He chants? It is the name of Prabhu Sri
Ram. Yes. In fact, once Mata Parvati had asked Him, “Who are You absorbed in
when You meditate Prabhu?”
replied, “Devi, I meditate on Ram. He is Maryaada Purshottama.” Once, after
listening to the Vishnu Sahasranama Devi Parvati asked, “Which name should one
take which is equivalent to taking the 1000 names of Mahavishnu?” That time
also Shiva replied, “Sri Rama Rama Raameti …” This shloka in the form of a
reply is read thrice after reading the Vishnu Sahasranama. What about
MahaVishnu? Who does Mahavishnu meditate upon?
is one of the greatest devotees of Shiva. Once, on the day before Kartika
Purnima day (Vaikuntha Chaturdashi day), He decided to offer 1000 lotuses to Vishweshwara
Shiva in Varanasi, while taking His 1000 names. Varanasi is the place where
Shiva is worshipped from times immemorial.
MahaVishnu took a bath in the Ganga in the Manikarnika Ghat, gathered 1000
lotuses and sat down in front of the Shivalinga to meditate and take Mahadev’s
Sahasranama. When MahaVishnu reached the 999th name, He realized that He was
short of a lotus. How was that possible? He was perplexed.
it was Mahadev Himself who had spirited away 1 lotus just to test MahaVishnu’s
devotion to Him. Vishnu was full of innocent devotion. He did not want to get
up from His seat to gather another lotus, since that would mean that the Puja
would be broken. He wondered how to solve this problem of the missing lotus,
since He wanted to complete the Sahasranama only with the offering of lotuses.
He contemplated on this problem.
remembered that one of His names was Kamalanayan
i.e. the lotus-eyed one. So with utmost devotion He removed His right eye with
His right index finger and offered it to Shiva. Suddenly there was a flash of
light and Mahadev Himself appeared before MahaVishnu. Shiva accepted that there
was no one equal to devotion as Vishnu Himself and blessed Him. Then Vishnu
told Shankara, “I am responsible for protecting the 3 worlds. The Daityas
(Asuras & Rakshasas) are very strong. How should I defeat them every time?”
Shiva took the form of Chakradana Murty
and gave Keshava the Sudarshan Chakra and told Him, “You can destroy the
Daityas with this Sudarshan Chakra.” Thus, Narayana received the Sudarshan
Chakra from Mahadev Shiva and from then on, He has used it on various
occasions. He is always depicted with His Sudarshan Chakra in His right index

of the names of Shiva is Tripurantaka-He who has caused the end of Tripura.
Imagine 3 floating cities in space. Imagine these cities with unlimited wealth,
pleasures and people. Now imagine that these three cities are floating at the
same time, but never meeting except for once in a thousand years. Guess who
could have created these cities and for whom …
was once an Asura called Tarakasura.
He was very powerful and caused a lot of grief to the Devas. Finally he was
killed by Kartikeya, the son of Shiva. (This story on another day). Now, this
Tarakasura had 3 sons called Tarakaksha, Vidyunmali and Kamalaksha. These 3
Asuras were also very powerful. They did meditation together to Brahma Dev and
when He appeared, they asked for ‘Amaratva’ or immortality. Brahma Dev told
them very clearly that one who was born had to die.
brothers then asked Brahma for a boon that each of them will have a special
city which will be prosperous always, will float separately in space and that
they can be destroyed only when all three cities come in one line, one below
the other. They also specified that it could only be destroyed by an arrow shot
at all the 3 cities together. Brahma Dev agreed. Then, Tarakaksha said that he
wanted a city of gold, Vidyunmali asked for a silver city and Kamalaksha asked
for a city made of iron.
Dev called on Mayasura, the architect
who could create miraculous structures and ordered him to make 3 cities for the
3 brothers. These three cites together were called Tripura, and together the 3
brothers were called Tripurasura. All
the brothers went to their respective cities and ruled for many years. They
knew that death was not anywhere close and hence started troubling the Devas
and drove them away from Swarga, their rightful abode.
Devas went to Shiva and asked for help, but Shiva told them that the time had
not yet come and that they would have to wait for the anointed time. A thousand
years passed. By this time the Asuras had also done enough Adharma for Mahadev
to destroy them.
the time came for the three cities to come together in a straight line, one
above the other, Shiva took out His bow and arrow and aimed it at the three
cities. With one shot of the arrow, He burned the 3 cities and its Adharmi
residents, to dust. He was Tripurantaka. Thus, He delivered the Devas from
their miseries and rid our Loka from 3 powerful Asuras.
नमस्तेस्तु भगवन् l विश्वेश्वराय महादेवाय l त्रैय्मबकाय त्रिपुरान्तकाय l त्रिकाग्नि कालाय l कालाग्नि रुद्राय नीलकण्ठाय मृत्युंजयाय l सर्वेश्वराय सदाशिवाय श्रीमान महादेवाय नमः ll
ॐ नमः शम्भवाय च l मयोभवाय च l नमः शङ्कराय च l मयस्कराय च l नमः शिवाय च l शिवतराय च ll
Namastestu Bhagavan l Visvesaraya Mahadevaya l Trayambakaya Tripurantakaya l
Trikagni Kalaya l Kalagni Rudraya Nil Kanthaya Mrityunjaya l Sarvesvaraya
Sadadhivaya l Sriman Mahadevaya Namah. ll
Namah Sambhavaya Cha l Mayaobhavaya Cha l Namah Shankaraya Cha l Mayaskaraya
Cha l Namah Shivaya Cha l Shivtaraya Cha ll
SHIVA consumes Bhaang

now and then students invariably ask their parents the most uncomfortable
question – “If Shiva is shown as having ‘bhaang’ why are we stopped from
consuming it? Obviously no one wants to listen to the explanation that Shiva
doesn’t actually consume bhaang … no one wants to even listen to logical
explanations that Shiva is always shown accepting poisonous substances like
Datura, Halahal, He has a poisonous Cobra around His neck, etc. … it is a way
of educating people that one should stay away from such substances which may be
used for medicinal purposes, but not for regular consumption.
a Guruji and His disciples were moving from village to village. Guruji used to
give Pravachans (religious lectures) to the simple village folks. Once, they
reached a village which had a huge liquor distillery at the entrance to the
of the disciples remembered that in the previous village, Kaalbhairav (an Ugra or angry Avatar of Shiva) was offered liquor at
His Temple, by the bhakts. He slyly told in a loud voice so that Guruji could
hear, “Kaalbhairav also has liquor … why should we not be allowed to have it?”
smiled and said, “Surely, why not? Let us do one thing – I will have a pot of
liquor … will you also drink a pot of liquor and give me company?” The disciple
was overjoyed - He was going to drink something that was not permitted by the
rules of Brahmacharya. He quickly nodded his head. Then Guruji said, “There’s a
condition … you should have whatever I have even after that. Do you agree?”
young disciple nodded again. Then Guruji asked the others if they too wanted to
have it … the others were not so adventurous… Guruji went to the distillery and
brought two pots of liquor. He had one in one go and told the disciple to do
the same. With great difficulty the disciple had it. He was a little dizzy from
it, but was happy and smiling foolishly.
they went to a place where some people were smoking Marijuana (bhaang). This
drunk disciple told his Guruji, “See Bhagwan Mahadev also smokes pot. Nothing
wrong in it.” Guruji understood that the boy was speaking under the influence
of liquor. He said, “Ok, we too shall have it.” To the amazement of the other
disciples, both drank thandai mixed with bhaang. The disciple could barely walk
now without any help.
went further into the village. Guruji went to the local Vaidya’s (Ayurvedic
doctor) house. There he brought out two glasses of snake poison and gave one
glass to the disciple and told him to drink it. Guruji drank the poison from
the other glass. All the disciples were shocked and scared. This ‘brave’
disciple lost all his Dutch courage at the sight of the glass of poison! He
morning, the Brahmachari got up later than usual. He had the most violent
headache and vomited a couple of times. With great difficulty he went outside
his room and looked for his Guru. He was sure that Guruji must be worse off.
But lo, Guruji was giving His discourse as usual. He had the same calmness on
His face as always.
student understood that Guruji had taught him a lesson.
Shiv was not an ordinary mortal. He was Sarveshwar
… all had emanated from Him and would finally rest in Him itself. For Him the
poison was the same as any other form of Prasad. One could challenge this only
when one became Shiva oneself. Else, consuming any such things was harmful for
sure. One had to become Shiv before copying Shiv’s actions & even then it
would be impossible to do everything that Mahadev did. The student fell at the
feet of his gentle Guruji and asked for forgiveness.
Yesterday was KaalBhairav Jayanti … Some of His names –
ॐ भैरवाय नमः। ॐ भूतनाथाय नमः। ॐ भूतात्मने नमः। ॐ भूतभावनाय नमः। ॐ श्मशानवासिने नमः। ॐ कङ्कालाय नमः। ॐ कालशमनाय नमः। ॐ धूम्रलोचनाय नमः। ॐ भैरवीनाथाय नमः। ॐ व्योमकेशाय नमः। ॐ भूताध्यक्षाय नमः। ॐ भिक्षुकाय नमः। ॐ दुर्गाय नमः।
Author is a mother to three children and writes
on Spirituality, Women Empowerment and National Affairs. Her articles are
published on Indusscrolls.com amongst others. She believes in the cause of the
Indian Breed of Cows and is a follower of Shree Ramachandrapura Matha,
To read all articles
by author