The word ‘shanti’ is a commonly used Sanskrit word. It is used by people, who do not even know Sanskrit, as it is present in almost every Indian language. The widely used meaning of the word ‘shanti’ is peace, but it is necessary to see the other meanings and the origins of this word. This is a Sanskrit word. Sanskrit is a classical language like Greek, Latin, and Persian. And in Sanskrit, as in most classical languages, most words are derived from a stem or root.
The word ‘shanti’ is derived from the root word shama, which means tranquillity, calmness, rest, equanimity,
quietude, quietism, absence of passion, abstraction from external objects
through intense meditation, peace, peace with, tranquilisation, pacification,
allayment, alleviation, cessation, extinction, absence of passion or
excitement, impotence, alleviation or cure of disease, convalescence, final
happiness, emancipation from all the illusions of existence, indifference,
apathy, the hand, imprecation, malediction, of a king of the Nandivegas, of a
son of Andhaka, of a son of Dharma Sutra, and of a divine female.
When the suffix ktin is added to shama, the word ‘shanti’ is derived.
‘Shanti’ means tranquillity, peace, quiet, calmness of mind, absence of passion, averting of pain, indifference to objects of pleasure or pain, alleviation of evil or pain, cessation, abatement, extinction, a pause, breach, interruption, any expiatory or propitiatory rite for averting evil or calamity, welfare, prosperity, good fortune, ease, comfort, happiness, bliss, destruction, end, eternal rest, death, tranquillity personified, daughter of Shraddha, wife of Atharvan, daughter of Daksha, wife of Dharma, of a son of Indra, Indra in the tenth manvantara or the tenth
era of Manu, of
a son of Vishnu and Dakshina, of a son of Krishna and Kalindi, of a
rishi, of a son of Angirasa, of a disciple of Bhuti, of a son of Nila, of the
father of Sushanti, of an Arhat of the Jains, of a
Chakravarti of the Jains, of a teacher in Buddhism,
a quality or state of mind, knowledge, stoicism, tranquillity of devotion,
complete fixing of the mind on the subject of meditation or worship,
auspiciousness, felicity, rest, repose, preliminary ceremonies to avert
inauspicious accidents at any religious celebration, remission, cessation of
hostility, stop, consolation, solace, settlement of differences,
reconciliation, appeasement of hunger, exculpation or absolution from blame,
Goddess Durga, preservation, daughter of Kardama, a god, author and master of
the Atharva Samhita, a son of Tamasa, the Indra of the gods Sudhaman and
Viruddhas, a part of Hari, a divine goddess, one of the four fruits of
pranayama, the ruin of sins of the departed ancestors and cognates, Vedic
mantras, auspicious or good time according to astrology, satisfaction upon
enjoying sense-objects, and one of the gopis accompanying Radha.
‘Shanti’ also denotes a Vedic prayer for the removal of sufferings caused by one’s body and mind, the other living beings, and natural forces. These Vedic prayers are also called shanti mantras and are chanted to ensure the proper completion of the study, teaching, writing, or other task at hand. Much importance is given to the attainment of peace in spiritual life. Though the ultimate goal of all spiritual traditions is attaining shanti, some amount of shanti in terms of the contentment of mind is necessary to start any spiritual practice.
Author is Editor Prabuddha Bharata.
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This article was first published in the November 2018 issue of Prabuddha Bharata, monthly
journal of The Ramakrishna Order started by Swami Vivekananda in 1896. This
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