Symbolism of NANDI

  • By Lalita Ramakrishna
  • December 17 2018

This article has two parts. Siva: Lord of Contrasts and Symbolism of Nandi.


Siva’s roles highlight traditionally opposed and mutually exclusive customs. This piece includes Yogi and Householder, Rudra and Ashutosha, Detached and Attached, Pleasing and Horrific, Palace & Cremation ground and defining features of Shiva. Very nice.  


Nandi is the vehicle of Siva. This part tells you about the qualities of Nandi.


To read article in PDF format. This is a 5.1 MB file so might take time to download.


This article was first published in the September 2016 issue of Tattvaloka, the Splendour of Truth. Tattvaloka is published under the aegis of the illustrious 9th century Sringeri Sri Sharada Peetham, and the Jagadguru Sri Sankaracharya of Sringeri. This article is courtesy and copyright Tattvaloka ( You can subscribe online at . Cost is Rs 396/ for one year (12 monthly issues) print, Rs 1,080 for three years, Rs 9,600 for Lifetime subscription.

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